the apologies.

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My dear Juumi,

Ah, this is weird. Sorry, I just haven't written a letter in a very long while.

Should I call you Jaye, since it's your legal name now?

Sorry. I can't write well like you.

But, I just wanted to let you know that I saw you.

That month when you visited? Yeah, it was the best damn month of my life.

Sure, we weren't physically together, but just the fact that you were okay, that you were still safe, is what brought a smile to my face.

Oh gosh, I'm going all cheesy boyfriend, aren't I? I know you always hated that, but I miss being someone's cheesy boyfriend too.

I'm just rambling, I'm sorry.

I know rambling won't help. I know that it won't magically stitch up the scars and wounds we still bear from that night.

And I just want to tell you how sorry I am.

I know that begging for an apology won't do much, either. I also know that it'll be hard to gain your trust back.

And God, am I sorry for that.

I knew how important that scholarship was to you.

But I held you back.

And you don't know how much I regret doing that.

I was a selfish, hollow little brat. One who thought that, because he was currently failing at life, he could drag his smart, independent, and beautiful girlfriend with him.

And I'm so sorry for that.

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