optical illusions.

80 9 13

Hey, I saw you today.

Well, on Facebook, where your mom was — very proudly, might I add — boasting of your achievements and recent accomplishments.

And I just want to say, you're doing great, Juumi (Jaye? Juu? Jay Park? What should I call you?).

Also, I'm glad.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who hasn't told their mom (after three years) that we've broken up.

You said it best, it'd break their hearts if they found out.

I feel like we're an optical illusion, don't you think?

Because no one really knows what our current status is.

Like you're almost being tricked.

And we're both too cowardly to admit to our breakup, I know.

But we need to admit it someday, no?


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