war rises

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The next night as Luna entered her room in her Barth robe with her maids behind her as she looked back and said to them "I don't think I'll be needing assistance tonight" the maids nodded as she closed the door and said grabbing a towel to dry her hair "your early" Devon got up as he scoffed at her "were you expecting some one else" Luna looked at him as she handed him the towel and comb and she replied " no but since your already here", "what did you talk about last night" he said as he finished drying her hair "they said I should tell anyone not of the royal family" he scoffed at her as he combed her hair "and I'm not an expetion", "it's not like that and you know it" Devon then quickly questioned and instacted to her words "no I don't know how am I suppose to know when you didn't tell me" Luna turned around as he finished and said "are you angry, is this a quarrel" Devon scoffed as he turned around and closed his eyes, "I'm sorry but" she said opening her wardrobe taking out her nightgown as she inturupted her and said 'why does it matter weather I am a royal or not because a few days ago you didn't even exist to them" Luna changed as she sighed and replied "mmh sorry don't be mad okay, but why do you care so much about what I told him you know it's about what their planing", "it's that I j-just don't like you being alone with Keith" Devon smiled as he looked back at her, Luna then looked at him as she slightly nodded asking "okay but why", "I-I I just... I don't trust him and I get jealous when he's around you I feel like he'd be trying to seduce you" Luna held his hand as she said "don't worry I only fall for your charm" Devon smiled as he pulled her close wrapping his arms around her as he said "Princess I'm going to Join the royal guards" she looked at him as she said "will you still come and see me" he flipped his hair as she said "unfortunately no so you won't be seeing all this beauty anytime soon" Luna smiled as she chuckled the he said "but don't worry I won't die and if I die I'll be protecting you" she scoffed saying "your taking death so lightly" Devon scoffed back at her then said "but if you ever need me just shout demons and vampires have really good hearing Wich means mine is double what ever you need I'll be here for that princess and when this is over I promise you I'll still be alive and I'll come back so we can spend every day together okay" Luna slightly blushes with a warming smile hugging him as she held back her tears saying "just remembered braking a promise made to a royal is a sin you must keep it" he nodded as he hugged her back as he stoked her hair

For the next week the preparation got serious and on the fifth night Luna would be floating out of her bed in her sleep as then she opened her eyes to see her self standing in the castle garden sarounded by flowers as she turned around to see her mother, though it had been long she recognized her from the paintings in her father's room she felt her body shiver then her mother said "my darling daughter how I thought I'd never get to see you blossom but here you are like a rose on a faries wing" Luna smiled as she said "mother what happened how are you here" her mother smiled with tears as she said "I'm afraid it's something you need to see to believe go to the realm of the efls the will help you" Luna moved towards her mother with the intention of hugging her her but felt herself fall back.

Luna opened her eyes in her room and when she looked around the sun had already risen she went and took a bath as she got dressed the travel outfit that she given by Rin, walked out and down stairs to only see the maids and three guard but the castle itself roamed with silence as Luna said "where is everyone" the guard replied "your father set of early after knowing the Vampires and demons are aware of their war plans" Luna then said "very well I want to be assisted with getting to the realms of the elf's" she guard replied bowing "I apologize princess but the king gave us strict orders to keep you in the castle grounds" Luna walked down as she replied "he may as well be dead for all we know, so for as long as I am the only one here I'm am your Queen and you abide by my rules and comands so I comand you to take me to the realm of the elf's... Please".

As much as she sounded threatening the please made her seem adorable and the guard smiled replying "Even so Pri- my queen there is no a single means of transportation left in the castle" Luna sighed as she walked out of the castle thinking if she was really trusting a dream until she made up her mind. She clenched her first feeling stupid as she shouted "Devon!!, Devon!!!" There was no response for the time being as Devon would bee seen swinging and dodging swords with an angel as Keith looked at him and said stabbing a human "can you not here her" Devon wedged his sword trough the angles beck moving on to the human behind him as he said "yes but if I left you wouldn't survive" as he finished he then heard her shout for Keith as he said "fine I'll go I'm sure I could be of more use" Devon scoked at keith as he then said before telaporting off "don't die without me".

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