the plan

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Soon after they sat down with her as the king said "Princess Luna I found it hard to believe you were alive and I'd like to ask do you have any idea why your death faked", "I apologize but I know nothing except what I hear and I don't here much".

They a very lively chat until she went back to find Keith well... Herself with flowers on his head, hair braided he admired himself in the mirror and Luna said as Devon chuckled "Princess Keith were so sorry to disturb you" Keith looked back them changing back as he removed the flowers and said "being here is a nightmare" he telaported off as Devon smiled at her and said before leaving "have a nice night".

Luna sighed sighed as he left as she she stood by the door and breathed lightly before pushing the door open as the guards tried to stop her she pulled back her hands busting open her father's room how ever he was not there, "princess please stop" Luna scoffed as she went off and found him standing around a table in the study with the angle prince.

Her father looked at the guards as he said "I thought I said to keep her in her room" the guards bowed their heads as they apologized and as they were about to take Luna back she said pulling away "I'm sick of this, this is my realm too and I demand to be notified on what's going on" The prince looked at the princess then the king as he said "take her back and make sure she doesn't get out" the angle prince Eden you can tell from his looks that he's always taken a liking to the princess, sadly how ever people of different realms may not marry it's a rule that has been around even before the war started.

Eden walked to Luna stopping the guards as he said "I don't see a problem in telling her she is to be queen after all" the king sighed and nodded sending the guards away.

"You see my princess your father and I we are to say planning an attach have you heard of Demons and Vampire's" Luna denied awaiting his response and indeed it was a captivating one as he said "well your highness they are the cold blooded killer of our realms the very one's responsible for your mothers death you were there but luckily we saved you in time and if given the chance they will not hesitate to kill, they have no peace with anyone. They are blood sucking soul devouring monsters and they must be killed" Luna was at a loss for words as he wrapped his arm around her "but don't you worry we have a plan in two weeks the demons are the most dangerous as though they are many have wings and a deadly good at magic so we silently infiltrate their lands we cupture as many as we can douse as them in the alixer then go for the kill".

Luna looked at him and questioned "what's the alixer" he showed her a vile as he said "this it, can take away the powers of any one and anything handy work of the elves will use it on the vampires as well without powers their useless" Luna slightl...

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Luna looked at him and questioned "what's the alixer" he showed her a vile as he said "this it, can take away the powers of any one and anything handy work of the elves will use it on the vampires as well without powers their useless" Luna slightly smiled as she said "then for sure your granteed victory, the human, angle and elf realms against theirs" her father shook his head as he said "no the elf's stand with no one when it comes to battle, their free to assist with weapons, potions and knowledge but they hold no grudges and refuse to fight unless if the fight concerns them, amoungst our realms their the most powerful and most trusted" Luna nodded as she said "I see then father" her father then said "so you understand" Luna nodded with a smile "of course a weed must be plucked from the garden,.... Though it would matter if it grew in a garden of dead flowers" she silently said as she walked away.

Devon came in that night as he arrived and she hand just got in bed he sat next to her as he moved her hair to the side, they both had no word's towards each other and he laid on her lap as she stroked his hair then said "do you know what happened to my mother" he looked at her as he said "I honestly don't know no one does not even my royals but I've heard that she dissapered in one night, the only trace was a few specks of blood and that's when we came in" Luna slightly nodded as she said "mmh okay, how old are you" he got up as she sat up her legs forming a upside down V and he smiled on his knees with his body between her legs his hands on the bed placed on the sides of her waist and his face close to hers.

"What you think I might be too old for you" she slightly smirked as she shrugged and he said "well how old are you princess", "19" she replied when he said "you've been trapped in here for that long" Luna shook her head and replied "no I think at age one and two I probably was allowed out that is if I had known anything" he nodded as he kissed her cheek and said "I am older than five hundred decades" she slightly nodded when he kissed her again and said "I hope that doesn't change anything".

Luna she looked down then back at him "It..." She then scoffed at her self and her wild thoughts. Devon felt him self get disappointed he's hands gripping on her blankets and just as he looked at her wanting to talk but the way she looked at him raised a question in his his mind. Luna's eyes showed inoccence so pure and yet she seemed confused, "it doesn't" she replied moving her face close to his as they kissed once more.

He then moved back as he said "a relationship with a person of the outside realms is forbidden" "I sure we've already broken Manny what's a few more" he slightly chuckled "I should go, miss me as though I'm the one thing here that adorn's your bedroom". She pushed him off as she said "just leave already" he smiled at her and was off.

The second then the third night Devon arrived to find Keith with Luna, Keith turned around with this sinister look towards Devon as Luna said "Devon can you leave I have to talk to him" Devon looked at Keith who smirked and said "yes let the grown ups talk and go catch a bunny for blood" Devon felt irritated by this as he just looked at her teleporting off in anger and jealousy.

Luna the looked at Keith as she told him what was going on and just as she finished explain he said "You know it forbidden for you to have a relationship with Devon the punishment is harsh" Luna sighed as she said "so who says we have one" as Keith heard this he smirked at her "but if it's between a prince and a prince I'm sure they'd understand that or we could just keep it a secret, what do you say want to become my accomplice" he said kissing her hand as she replied "it's illegal to touch me let alone look at me without my father's permission you if you want to keep your pretty face don't talk to me about relationships otherwise I'll skin you alive" Keith left her hand as he said "with an attitude like that I'm surprised to why your helping my people", "I didn't apriciate your trickery and I don't particularly like you but so far your people have been nice to me and I think your work saving".

"Then I apologize I can be selfish from time to time may we be friends instead" he said as she agreed on that before leaving, now was the question where did Devon go.

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