Winter Wonderland Part II

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AN: Many thanks to my sweet friend, Vanessa, who is always there to chat about the show, pick a part canon, and help me talk through ideas. Shawn's Christmas stocking is credited to her.


Sleigh bells ring are you listening.

In the lane snow is glistening.

A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight walking in a winter wonderland.

Gone away is the bluebird. Here to stay is a new bird.

He sings a love song as we go along walking in a winter wonderland.

Christmas Eve Night

That night the trio joined the Matthews and Topanga for a candle lit service at the Matthews' church. It had been a long time since Shawn had attended a service and even longer for Jon. Both found an unusual peace in the place even though it was crowded with people.

After the service was over, Shawn, Cory, and Topanga exchanged their Christmas gifts while the adults talked.

"Here," Topanga said, holding out packages to the boys. "My gifts to you."

Cory and Shawn tore into their presents with no regards to the wrapping that Topanga spent a great deal of time on. She tried not to be offended that they didn't notice her effort.

"Cool!" Cory cried holding up a pair of blue mittens that looked just like his old ones. "I need new mittens. I keep losing mine."

Shawn wasn't much on mittens, or gloves for that matter. He eyed his red mittens critically then relaxed and said, "Thanks, Topanga."

"And these are mine," she said holding up a purple pair.

Both boys knew they were supposed to say something about this but neither knew what she expected them to say.

So Shawn said in a questioning tone, "Yay, we're triplets?"

Topanga rolled her eyes and smiled. "They're friendship mittens," she said. At their blank looks she explained, "Blue and red when mixed together make purple."

"Oh," they said in unison as the mittens suddenly made sense.

It was a very Topanga Christmas gift.

Cory and Shawn exchanged their gifts which looked suspiciously the same size and shape. They unwrapped their packages at the same time and at the same time cried with great excitement, "A Nerf Ballzooka Blaster! Just what I wanted!"

Topanga was dumbfounded. She tucked a lock of her long blonde hair behind her ear and stared at them. "Why on earth would you get each other the same thing?"

Shawn shrugged admiring his new toy. "I just got him what I wanted."

Cory nodded as he grinned dreamily at the shooter. "I did the same."

"Do you two share an eleven-year old's brain or something?" Topanga asked, holding her hands out in surrender. There were some things about those two she would never understand.

Still enamored with the Nerf gun, Shawn managed to remember to give Topanga the gift Audrey helped him pick out- a set of nail polish in trendy colors. Cory's gift that Shawn helped him pick out was a bracelet with charms representing moments in their year long relationship.

Topanga couldn't be too annoyed with them. They did do a good job picking out her gifts, even if they did have help.

Late night chaos erupted from young children bored with adult talk as every little kid picked up from the church nursery suddenly woke up. A shriek pierced the air close by causing the friends to jump. Morgan was running up and down the aisles, screeching hysterically at Eric's failed attempts to catch her. Not much later, Cory and Shawn had their NERF guns confiscated when they tried to play with them in the church foyer.

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