Silver Bells

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Sometimes Christmas traditions can come about in unconventional ways. Sometimes they come about in small moments and new experiences.


City sidewalks, busy sidewalks dressed in holiday style.

In the air there's a feeling like Christmas.

Children laughing, people passing, meeting smile after smile.

And on every street corner you hear:

Silver bells, silver bells. It's Christmas time in the city.

Ring-a-ling, hear them sing. Soon it will be Christmas day.

-Stevie Wonder


It was late by the time they finally made it back to Audrey's place, so they dropped her off and headed back to the apartment. At first Jon was afraid that he was going to have to carry Shawn inside as he had trouble waking the boy up. He managed to get him conscious enough to trudge inside and to his bed before the teen fell asleep again. Jon was about as tired as Shawn was and didn't even bother to change his clothes before going to bed.

The next morning, Jon regretted his decision not to change his clothes; he felt grimy and gross. Before taking a shower, he thought it would be best to check on Shawn. He found the boy standing in the middle of the apartment looking around him in awe.

Someone, in the middle of the night, had decorated their apartment for the season. The decorations Jon inspected looked very much like the leftover ones from Audrey's place.

Shawn turned to Jon with a funny look on his face. "She was here last night."

"Looks like it," Jon agreed with a small smile.

"But she didn't let us know."

"I think that was the point."

Shawn gave him a meaningful look. "I think she loves us."

Jon was quiet for a while, before he finally said, "She loves you, Shawn."

The teen shook his head slightly, smiling to himself. "We talk, you know."


Shawn shrugged at the sarcastic remark. "Believe what you want."

Jon gave his charge a frown. "Hunter," he said warily. Curiosity was getting the better of him. In fact, what was said in the conversation Shawn claimed to have had with Audrey was driving him crazy. "Do you actually know somethin'?"

Again, Shawn shrugged. Then his eyes lit up. "Hey, it's early. Let's go over to her place right now and have breakfast fixed for her when she gets up."

He knew they shouldn't do it. But then again, they shouldn't be doing any of this. So, he said, "Not a bad idea, kid. Yeah, we can do that."

As they left the apartment, Jon couldn't help but ask again, "Shawn, do you actually know somethin'?"

Shawn grinned and took off running to the truck.


December was a month that was both loved and hated by teachers and students alike. Teachers and students both loved the month for its excitement and light spirits and holiday break.

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