the ocean

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Branch wakes up tiredly and sits up half asleep still and takes a minute to prossce everything and looks around and notices it's dark and not just that but that everyone is still asleep and remembers something he had noticed while collecting sticks for the fire and looks back and gets up and heads out thinking it wouldn't be any harm. As he walks away creek opens his eyes and notice branch and gets suspicious.

Branch: *walks to the opening where he had seen the water before and looks into the distance while closing his eyes and breathing the fresh sea water air in and smiles a little and heads up and only puts his feet in and plsashes quietly trying to make as little sound as possible he smiles while slashing some onto his fave feeling fresher then ever before and smiles in relief and runs around the water rea like a toddler and then he stands in water facing outwards to the sea and smiles at the wonder that's in front then all the sudden ....

Branch: MMPH!!!MMMMMHHH!!   MMMMMMMMMMMPH!! MMMMPH!! MMHMMMPHMMMHHHH!!! *struggles to get free but isn't able to*

??: *a harsh whisper* shut your mouth I'm not going to hurt you!-

Branch: *recognizes the voice and quiets down quickly while his heart is still racing in his chest with horror*

Creek: *let's em go*

Branch: *whispers* the hell was that? I I thought I was about to be kidnapped!? You scared the soul out of me!!

Creek: *covers mouth with his hand trying to quiet em* shhh.. I'm not trying to wake others keep it low....*removes it*

Branch: *screams* FIREEEEEE

creek: *horror attacks him as he tackles em covering his fave again* why can't you learn to hush?! I'm trying to not get into trouble...anyways what were you doing out there in the first place?...

Branch: *removes his hand* trying to be alone....

Creek: your lucky I saw you go over cuase if our parents woke and they don't see you they would have a full on panic attack...

Branch: oh please I- *stops seeing the larent type of look and understands the message* your right your older and you know more...😒😮‍💨.

Creek: thaaaats right....boop*boops his nose* come on! Let's go back, I don't wanna worry our parents k...

Branch: ...but...

Creek: come on branch...let's go..*tries to drag em back*

Branch: nooo...I don't wanna. I'm not ready please just tell em I'm out here and I am okay *tries to brake his wrist gree of his grip on em*

Creek: branch,  listen to me's not safe....I have seen it before....I'm telling you no one goes out even if it's a Groupe I'm not telling you why-*gets cut off by branch*

Branch: let go of me! *still tries the breaker free from em* I don't care your only trying to get me scares and I'm nit that type you can do that to! So just let me go and nothing will happen...

Creek: *stops and then thinks of something and with a signe and turns to em and says* there are alligators out there and their prays are trolls! And when they see you they hunt you down without you seeing or knowing somehow and eat you alive...believe me it's true really! Now let's go *grabs em by his waist and carries em back tapping his mouth shut not wanting to hear anything more and brings em back and tkes it off and leaves em to go back to his spot and not even take and glance even though branch is still looking at em I'm suspicion and wonder about the ocean story not knowing weather to believe emself or him but waits till the morning to really figure it all out and falls asleep*

K guys that's the end hoped you liked it. Odios

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