Chapter Forty-Eight

Start from the beginning

A large figure ran into me at full speed, sending me into a tree a few yards away. My back hit before I dropped to the ground. I stood as my body popped back into place, expecting something exciting to fight. I rolled my eyes with disappointment when I saw Riley's wolf glaring at me. He's such a tease. Here I was looking forward to a fight but it's just him.

"I assume you want payback for what you did to yourself?" Leave it to Riley to hold a grudge.

He held his head low to the ground in defiance as a growl rumbled through his chest. "I. AM. GOING!" I heard through our new link. Oh, we're still arguing over that?


He charged for me again with anger and determination blazing in his eyes. I don't know what this dude has going on, but I wish the warriors were this eager to fight. However, his death wish isn't earning him any points. I let out a sigh before my clothes ripped off my skin and my front paws fell to the ground. My eyes moved from my black fur-covered legs to a pair of desperate glowing emeralds. They widened as he momentarily slowed down but then determination seeped back in.

When he was within a few feet I blinked, or shimmered, out of the way. Why am I shimmering? That's a demon power. . . I am not a demon. He slid to a stop and looked around as I shimmered beside him and ran into his side, throwing him to the other side of the training grounds. His wolf let out a whimper when he landed on his back before shifting. I shimmered over him and let out a growl as my eyes glared down into his. I leaned down and opened my mouth around his neck while he laid there and accepted his fate. "Do you see how easy that was?" I questioned through the mind link. "You aren't going."

I shifted above him and was now sitting on his stomach. At least his brain still functioned enough to keep his eyes on mine as I leaned back. "I am the perfect person to go," he breathed out with the last bit of strength he had left.

"Oh really? Why is that? Because you're angry?"

"I have no mate, no heirs. If I die my brother will take my place. Not many others have that freedom."

"That mindset is exactly your problem."

"Alison!" Nakya screamed through the forest before storming over to us. "We do not let boys see our girls like that! They don't know how to handle our masterpieces. Ugh, now everyone's looking." She wrapped her jacket over me and pulled me off of him. She's more protective of me than anyone I've ever met. It's weird, but also entertaining to watch.

Dominic walked over and shielded his eyes until I was fully covered. Thankfully I haven't had to deal with the horny alpha since he laid eyes on his mate. "What are all of you looking at? Show some respect and return to training!" he ordered, making all of their heads snap in the opposite direction. Thank the gods I was sitting a few inches upwards. . . then they'd really have a show.

"Nakya, I'm not hurt, let me go." She was fixing my hair and looking over my face until I shook her off.

"Don't let them get used to playing rough with you. You remember how Jaylon used to drag you around by your wrist." Funny, I haven't heard or even thought of that name since I got here. Actually, since I left. The only time it came to mind was when I was comparing the rooms, not anything specific toward him.

"Trust me, they aren't getting used to anything. Wait, how did you know that? Jaylon hasn't done that since before I met you."

"He used to what?" Dominic snapped.

"It's not that serious, it's not like he hurt me."

"Noah and Chaos always watched over you, it irritated Noah heavily."

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