♥ Two ♥

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"Heya, boss man. How's life?" Mina cheered, entering the blonde's office with a smile. Her golden eyes landed on a relaxed, older man, focused on files as he usually was every day. 

"What do you want?" Katsuki grumbled, looking up through his glasses. He watched as his assistant approached his desk, pulling out her cell phone as she sat down across from him. 

"You said you weren't interested in anyone. But I call bullshit. You're just too lonely to realize how lonely you actually are." She mumbled, swiping away on her cell phone. Bakugou rolled his eyes, leaning back in his chair. 

"Not this again." He whined, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. He looked down, seeing the woman hand over her cell phone, standing up to come stand next to the blonde. 

"I made an account on EHarmony. It's kind of like Tinder, but I figured you'd like EHarmony more. A dating app." She spoke, as a wave of disappointment took place in the blonde. He had already had this conversation with his assistant before, and didn't want to do this. Not one bit. "Anyway, I put the information I know about you. Like your job, status, age, name and location. The rest of the information is up to you to fill out. Like, your interests and hobbies, and other important things."

Katsuki sighed, leaning forward to look down at Ashido's screen. A profile was seen, using the picture Mina had taken of him the day prior. Surprisingly, it wasn't half bad. One of the most decent pictures Katsuki had ever seen of himself. Red eyes moved down to the biography area, where a few words were already typed in. Everything was correct, except for one section. 

"I'm not 58 years old, for fuck's sake." He spoke, hearing the young girl giggle. 

"I know, don't worry. People don't see you right away, on here. So your account is private, until you're done setting it up. See?" She spoke, pointing to a small green checkmark, in the corner of the screen. Katsuki nodded, knowing he'd have to click that when he was done filling in his information. As much as this dating app sounded desperate and sad, he had been longing for a relationship for quite a while, now. He knew there was a low chance of actually meeting someone of his type over the internet, but it was a start. After all, he was forty with no experience in relationships whatsoever.

"Jesus Fuck, how can you make so many writing mistakes?" The blonde grumbled, snatching the device to fix some errors Mina had made in his description. He erased a few words, replacing them with better and correct ones, before he continued to write about himself. It felt weird, different, to be writing a short biography. Especially when he knew it would land on multiple people's phones, later on. That is, unless he got no matches. 

Katsuki scrolled, filling in some questions the app needed to know. Preferences. Blondes redheads, brunettes, dyed, or no preference? The man sighed, checking all of his preferences as no preference. He truly thought looks didn't matter, when it came to a person. All he wanted was to find a romantic connection with somebody, no matter what they look like.

"I'm surprised you're actually going along with this, old man. I can't wait to see how many matches you'll get. Oh, which reminds me, you'll have to download it on your phone, too. And connect to your account. Otherwise, you'll always have to borrow my phone." Mina rambled, watching as the blonde continued to scroll through the preferences section. She smiled, waiting for the man to finish up, only he stopped when he came to the last questions. 

I am a (or identify as): 
Other (please precise:_______)

I am looking for a:
Other (please precise: _______)
No preference

She watched as the blonde immediately answered the first section of the question, clicking in the box that aligned with the word Man. However, his thumb began to hover over the last question, seemingly unsure. 

Katsuki frowned, eyes retracing the words in front of him. Although he didn't really have a preference between men or women, he didn't want to click in the no preference box. He wasn't interested in non-binary people, but he did support them, along with all the other gender identities out there. Therefore, if he clicked in the no preference box, he'd most likely get matches of genders other than male and female. Not exactly his cup of tea.

"You gonna answer it, or what?" Mina questioned, adding a bit of pressure on her employer. She wanted to get her friend logged into EHarmony as soon as possible, eager to find out whether or not he'd find a possible partner. She waited, hearing nothing but a grunt as the blonde still let his thumb hover. "It's okay if you're interested in something other than women, y'know? I accept you." She spoke, unsure what the problem was. She waited for an answer, eventually receiving one. 

"Why isn't there a bisexual box?" The blonde muttered in annoyance, making Ashido's heart flip in her chest. She smiled wide, feeling as if she knew something nobody else did. She looked down to her phone again, struggling to calm down from excitement as she clicked in the box, corresponding to no preference.

"If you get a match, and you're not interested in them, just skip." She shrugged with a smile, earning a slow nod from the blonde as he clicked on the green checkmark, in the corner of her screen. His profile suddenly disappeared, the screen coming white as a smiley face appeared, along with a loading symbol. 

Keep your notifications on!

The blonde's brows furrowed as his profile eventually appeared again, only in a different way. His biography was under his profile picture, and an empty space at the bottom held the words Possible Matches. There was also a section where he could insert pictures, almost like a Gallery, or Camera Roll, so matches could see a bit more of his lifestyle through images. But, he didn't plan on inserting any pictures online right away. Katsuki leaned back in his chair, giving the device back to his assistant as he pulled out his own. He hurriedly downloaded EHarmony, waiting a few minutes for the app to appear on his screen and fully download. He then made his way to the login site, where a few pieces of information were asked. 

"What's my username and password?" He asked, looking up to the pink-haired teen, who had taken a seat across from him. 

"Your username is your name first and last name, just like on your profile." She spoke, waiting for the blonde to be done typing in his name. "And your password is Smalldickenergy410. With a capital S." She snickered, watching as the man shook his head in disappointment. He seemed unamused by her joke as he logged into his account, landing on the same profile that had appeared on Mina's phone only a few minutes ago. He nodded, closing the app as he set his phone aside. 

"Done." He muttered, immediately returning to the files he had been working on, before getting disturbed by his nosy assistant.

"Okie, I deleted the app from my phone. Although if I ever want to sneak on your account, I can download it again and login. Make sure to let me know if ever you get a match, m'kay, babes?" She giggled, standing up as she prepared to leave the room. As Katsuki didn't answer, she left, leaving him alone. The blonde sighed, looking down to his cellphone's black screen, laying on his desk. He wasn't sure if he would even be compatible with anybody on the app. But he somewhat wished he would be compatible with a few people, just to experience a bit of a relationship.

And to get his annoying, nosy and worried father off of his back.


So, I have no clue how EHarmony works. I know it's an actual app, but I've never used it or tried to sign into it, so I have no idea how it works. I'll just wing it, m'kay?

I love you all, and thank you for reading. I hope you are all doing amazing. <3

-Sucky Author


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