And that was not a big problem. Sure, learning Japanese a bit late was troublesome but considering my caretaker doesn't talk much that was bound to happen.

Learning to read again was also troublesome but for some odd reason, not too hard. Weird, I could've sworn I never learned Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji in my past life.

So I moved on with my life. Did you know that teething doesn't stop until you are three in most cases? I sure as hell do. Never again hopefully.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention about that thing that happened when I was four. Apparently child neglect doesn't exist here since some random old guy with a grandpa smile took me to some random apartment and said that it was my home now. Or something like that, I wasn't listening.

"Now Naruto-Chan, it's a big responsibility-" bla bla bla. Who are you to tell me about responsibility when you left me on the doorstep of a random apartment?

But seriously, I was scared out of my fucking mind. You don't just do that to a kid and expect them to turn out alright.

It was winter to so not only did I have to worry about cooking, cleaning and literally every that an adult aught to worry about I also had to worry about freezing to death. Not good times.

And you wanna know what makes it so much worse? That day was also the day my baby brain decided, 'ayo, wanna see something cool?' And. Fucking. Gave. Me. So. Much. Trauma.

How? By just dumping the fate of the world into my lap, no big deal. Ok, maybe not that far, it's not like I found out about Kaguya, Zetsu and the Akatsuki in one dream but, like, knowing your a protagonist is enough to know you're absolutely fucked.

And also the realisation that having red hair low-key makes me a ginger. Most traumatising thing about that day, honestly.

So yeah, I became Naruto yet I didn't look like Naruto. Blue eyes, red hair, and being a girl. Yeah, kinda different if you ask for my humble opinion. That's just me though.

And life went on again. Wow, we're getting through this fast, aren't we? Oh yeah, I know you're there. You are my dear reader (and author, I see you most often, you ass).

It's a bit strange, isn't it? Normally, a reincarnation isn't self-aware about being watched. Well, in my defence I wasn't aware at the time about you lot.

Just wait till you see my break down over finding out about that.

Damn, got side tracked again. Back to my life.

Did y'all know that Naruto entered the academy at four? Me neither! It makes sense, really, that the Jinchuriki is given more training then some civilians. No offence to them.

Now you may be thinking, doesn't the rookie twelve join later? So how can Naruto join so early? Good question. We aren't actually learning about chakra. They're just teaching us the basics like in nursery or kindergarten. You're meant to know how to write before going to the actual academy. And while I know a bit thanks to an ANBU shinobi, it wasn't much.

Oh, and the brainwashing. Don't even get me started on that.

"The Fourth Hokage died for you."

"Serve Konohagakure well."

"Your lives are for the village."

You would think this is ROOT with all that brainwashing. But it does make sense considering how obsessed the Original was with becoming Hokage and bringing back Sasuke.

Just a few words and he was manipulated. Like a weapon. It's honestly disgusting to see in person. But a lot funnier knowing all their efforts are going to waste on me.




"It's the end of the chapter."

"Oh, come on! The readers didn't even get to see the best part!"

"Too bad that it's not up to you. Now dear readers, I have a very important message for you. Is this story up to your taste? It is a fairly new concept in my option."

"Which is trash most of the time but since it's about how great I am I agree."

"Twisting my words you little-"

"Not in front of our dear readers!"

"Oh, hush. Now my dear readers, I'll see you in the next chapter."


"There will be another chapter 'Naruto'."

"Sure there will be my dear-."

"Not yet! That's a surprise."

"How can your name be a surprise?"

"Oh stop. You know damn well-."

"Yeah yeah, bye my readers!"

"They're my readers-."



AN: Hope you enjoyed.


If I have another chance then I'll do my best to actually live.Where stories live. Discover now