𝓐𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝓾𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓮𝓻

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Arice was laying down in the bed, with her face in the pillows. "You aren't used to getting drunk, aren't you?"
Arice just moaned angry.
Pandora giggled. She half opened the window, then started unbuttoning her shirt. The attic was very small and hot, making their time uncomfortable." I don't bother you, right, dear?" She asked turning her head to see Arice.
"No" she said tired, more like a sight.
"Why are you so down? Don't you enjoy my company anymore?"
"I don't like this feeling...I don't like alcohol...my back hurts...i am confused...a lot was going on recently"
"Your back hurts?" Pandora asked a little bit too happy "let me give you a masage! I used to masage my brothers all the time, but now that I live alone I don't do it anymore. Let's see if I kept my talent!" She said while she let her shirt fell on the floor. The woman stretched her fingers, went next to Arice and started masaging her shoulders, grabbing the other's skin with her palms.
"You really don't have t-- ahh"
"It's not too rought,isn't it? I think I still know how to do it"
"It's greaat, thaank yoou" Arice told, as her back skin was moved front and back.
Pandora smiled proud of herself.
"You know...my daughter used to masage me all the time. She loves doing it, I don't really know where she got it from...her father wasn't great at it" she spoke slow, lost in her thoughts, which were corrupted by the cocktails.
Pandora's smile faded. She chocked on her own saliva, as she starting coughing. "You-you have a daughter? Her father? Dear, are you married?!"
"No, not really...it's a loong stoory"
"Please! Tell me! I don't want to flirt with someone who's married!"
"It's alright...wait, you were flirting with me?" Arice asked suddenly, turning her face in a funny angry way to Pandora.
"Uhm..well..I..just tell me about your situation"
"Oh...yes...my story..."
And Arice started. How her childhood was hell, how she went to a "private school" ( she haven't mentioned The School for Good and Evil, nor Arbed House), then she said she met her "boyfriend" in a bar, they fell in love, but it didn't last long because he was taken as a solider and died( arice changed a lot the story, not saying Japeth's name even once).
"But I got pregnant with his child righ before the tragedy...I fell into a deep depression...I was pregnant with twins...but one of them died...because of my state of mind...because of me...I was incapable...my sister had to take care of my kid...because I couldn't do it right...but in the end...she is the reason I am still alive" Arice ended her story, speaking slow, with a low voice
Pandora's hands were massaging slower, as she fell into her thoughts.
"You are a real woman..." she said sad.
"I am afraid I don't understand what do you mean"
"You got pregnant...you gave birth...you created life with your own body...I am not a real woman...i am just a human...I never thought of giving birth...it scares me, even at this age. I am just a hooker, even tought I never slept with any stranger. I work in bars, flirt with people, serve them drinks and party all night. I am just useless and miserable"
Arice turned over, now staying on her back, looking at Pandora's face.
The woman was wearing a red, elegant bra and had her mascara smudged all over, because of tiredness and sweat.
"You think I have been blessed? Because I gave birth? You haven't lived my life...you don't know what I have been trought. If you think that the simple fact that I have a child makes me superior to you in anyway, you are wrong"
"You're right...i am sorry...i just got lost in thoughts"
Arice gazed at Pandora. Her body was perfect. Her skin was tanned, her shoulders wide, her waist small, her thights were big, she had little bit of a stomach, her hips were wide and round...she was perfection...but her face looked so sad.
  The woman with black hair gazed at Pandora's chest. It was big and round, and its skin whiter than the rest of her body.
"I wish I was like you" both of them whispered.
"My daughter has wavy hair like you...she has the pretties hair I've ever seen"
Pandora smiled
"You love her so much...i can see it in your eyes. What's her name?"
"Fala...is it short for something?"
"No, that's her name"
"How old is she? I bet she is so cute, with chubby cheeks-"
"14" Arice intrerrupted her.
"14?! How old are you?"
"So you had her at..19?"
"You were so...young...I admire you, Arice"
Arice stratched her hand, taking a strand of Pandora's hair between her fingers. "I have a lot of sins"
Then Pandora's palm was placed on Arice's
"We all do"
Then she kissed Arice's hand. Oh, how she loved women. Her respect for Arice was huge, as well as for her admiration for females. Women are just perfect...they can create, they change everything in better.
You give a woman semen? She creates a whole human
You give a woman a house? She makes it a home
You give a woman groceries? She makes a meal
You give a woman your heart? She gives you her whole being.
  Women are a source of divinity, a whole universe in a human body. Women are the source of life, they own the gift of creation. Women heal, women give, women are everything.
Pandora looked deep into the other's eyes. The human being in front of her was a godess, something a lot in front of humans...she was angelic...with her slim limbs, her skeletic torso, her white skin, her purple eyes with dark circles...her warm breasts, her long fingers...everything about this woman was perfect, not on phisical plan, but on the spiritual plan.
Pandora moved her palms to Arice's chest. She started unbuttoning her shirt. The woman felt the urge to see the other's body, to feel it close, to be one with it, to feel the divine that it was blessed with.
She took off Arice's cloth. Her palms moved along the other's skin, feeling every inch of it on her fingers.
"You are something beyond understandings..."
Beauty in its purest form.
Pandora leaned in front, her face close to Arice's. She was gazing at her features, looking deep into her eyes...then her lips. What she was feeling was confusing, yet pleasant.
"Arice, of Foxwoods, I suppose, might I kiss you?"
How could Arice say no? The woman was just so beautiful...and she asked so polite, so disperate. How could she dissapoint the woman who considered her beautiful, devine?
Arice placed her hand on Pandora's sad face "You might"
Then, whitout hessitation, Pandora suddenly pressed her lips against Arice's. They were cold, and soft, but after some seconds they turned warm, from the other's mouth.
None of them would have broken the kiss, if they wouldn't have remained without air.
Pandora looked enchanted at Arice. It was all just too perfect to be real. Then she left her body down, burying her face into the woman's neck.
Arice felt the other's flesh on her. Her breasts on hers, her abdomen on hers, her hips on hers. Skin on skin, human on human, they stayed like this for hours.
Arice gripped the woman into her arms, Pandora's hair between her fingers.
But the woman knew she made a big, big mistake

But the woman knew she made a big, big mistake

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