𝓐𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓭𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓼

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Ok because I don't want people to come at me, I will mention the fact that in this chapter there will be some bad words and inaproppriate stuff

Pandora was getting up, ready to leave. Arice looked at the woman with a sad face.
"Oh dear! Why are you so sad? Did my company pleased you this much?"
"Yes, actually.."
"Then why don't you come over to my place? I live alone, and it's quiet"
"I don't know.."
"I am not a serial killer,I swear"
Arice thought about this. Shall she go? This woman is a stranger, should she trust a stranger?
But once upon a time, she loved a stranger...a man whom she didn't know anything at first. This fact gave  her a little bit more confidence. She is not in the place to talk about rationalism, giving her past.
"Sure, let's go" she got up, leaving the glass on the bench
It was pointless to tell Alice anything. She was a full grown woman, she can do whatever she likes
"Do you live far from here?"
"No, actually. It's like...four kilometers maximum"
They got into a carriage, Pandora told the man where they were heading to, then looked at Arice.
"You look familiar" Pandora said
"Maybe. I have a pretty common face"
"No, like. I feel like I have seen you somewhere...but not face to face...most likely in books"
  But there was no story written about her. Nothing. No proof of anything that happened. She will die and people will forget about Arice.


"Ignore what I just said, let's talk about life" Pandora suggested, seeing Arice getting uncomfortable. "Life...I never wanted to be alive..." Arice started, gazing out the window.
Pandora looked at Arice with big eyes full of interest.
  "But why? This life is full of...of everything you want! Love, money, parties, friends, adrenaline, knowledge..."
"You haven't lived my life"
The woman with black hair looked at her new companion with a side gaze.
"You're right, I didn't. Sadly, humans are not blessed with equal lifes. We will never be equal, from this point of view. Maybe my life was ten times easier than yours, but your life might as well save thousans of other lifes. I won't bring myself to judge your way of being until I know the whole story"
"You won't know the whole story"
Pandora giggled
"You're dull. I like it"
  The carriage stopped. Pandora got down and helped Arice stepping outside, by offering her her hand. She payed the man and walked with Arice a street.
"I always liked night walks" Pandora said
"Me too"

They stopped in front of a red house. It was small, but very cute and cozy. Enought for one , maximum two people.
"I'm a little bit of a messy person. Don't mind it please" the woman said while opening the door with its key.
They walked inside a small hall, let their shoes there and then entered a living room. The main colour was red, and from the living room, without a wall in between was the Kitchen. Between the kitchen and the case which were leading upstairs was a red wall, and on the right, a bathroom.

It was a little bit messy. On the couch were trown some clothes, next to the kitchen's sink some unwashed dishes, the carpet wasn't vacumed recently and on the bookshelves was dust. But regardless of those, this place felt really welcoming and comfortable. And Arice couldn't ignore the fact that half of the kitchen was actually a bar, with a wall full of bottles, two tall chairs and a lot of luxurious glasses.
"I like it here"
"Well, I am glad, dear. Also if you are uncomfortable in your dress you can bring some of my clothes. What size are you wearing?"
"Just bring me your smallest ones.." she said low, gazing at the woman's chest.

"Alright with me. The bathroom is there"
Arice walked into the bathroom and locked the door. She looked in the mirror above the white sink. Her face was tired, her mascara smudged and her lipstick half gone.
She lived this once before.
Alone in a room. With a ruined make-up and a tired body.
Arice woke up from her trance and washed her hands, for no reason at all.
Pandora knocked at the door. Arice slowly opened it and took fast the clothes from the woman's hands. They were a white shirt and some black, light pants.
She hardly took off her black dress, then put on Pandora's clothes. It was much comfortable.
She then washed her face, hoping that the soap will get rid of her make-up and went out.
This had happened once before. A normal evening, which turned upside down in a couple of hours.
She was in a stranger's house. She was once in a stranger's house.
"I see you're done" Pandora looked at her from the couch. She was still wearing her clothes from earlier, gazing at Arice with a smirk.
  "So what are we doing now?"
"Whatever you like, dear. My whole night is free"
Arice looked around. What can two women in their 30's do alone in a boring night?
She then looked at the mini-bar. "Do you want me to show you some tricks?" Pandora asked, seeing the other's interest in her belongings.
Pandora stand up and went to the counter. She was looking for some glasses and drinks. After finding what she was looking for, the woman started playing with two iron glasses, throwing them from a hand to another, from back to front and vice-versa.
Arice gazed at the objects in her hands like a little kid. She was lost in her thoughts, while looking at the drink.
Pandora then poured the liquid into a cilindric, normal glass full of ice. It was blue, then she added some mint leaves on top and served it to her friend
"It's on the house" she said, more like an acting, smirking at Arice while she winked.
This woman was really something else. Arice looked at the glass. What if it was poisoned? Eh, too much questions. Life is short.
She drank fast from the glass. It was a new reaction, Arice was never big of a drinker, nor she liked the taste of alcohol, but this time she just fucked life.
"Dear, I don't think you should drink so fast..."
Arice left her glass down, almost empty. "I say let it die" then she drank the rest.
"People don't usually change their passion for alcohol when hanging out with me" she laughted
"Then just say I am something else. Also, what was the drink from before? The one at the ballroom.."
"Sex on the beach"
"Okey... and this one?"
Pandora was getting akward.
"Uhm...Sex in the driveway" she cringed.
Arice raised an eyebrow. Her friend started laughing.
"And what's next? Sex in your bed?" Arice asked keeping her face serious.
Then they both started laughing.
And Pandora made some more drinks. All colours.
This time Arice only sipped from each of them, but Pandora finished most of it.
They were laughing, speaking about life and telling bad jokes. Arice wasn't that happy in quite some time.
But her head was getting heavy. Was it the tiredness? Did she get drunk? She didn't know.
"Let's go upstairs" Pandora suggesyed, as they both walked away, leaving the mess behind.
Upstairs was a bedroom on the left and a bathroom and a deskroom on the right. And right in front of them, another stairs, those ones made out of wood.
"It's the attick. That's my favourite place. Let's go there"
Finally they were in the attick. And Pandora was right. It was a very nice place, a small room with a low bed, some bean chairs, posters on the walls, an oblique window, because the ceiling was oblique too.
"It's kinda childish..but it's my favourite room" Pandora said.
Arice just looked around. She was dizzy, not paying atention to anything around her anymore.
"Are you ok?"
"I think...just tired"
Pandora laughted. "I didn't know you can get drunk so easily"
"Shut up"
"Make me"
But Arice was barely focusing on what was happening. She was dizzy and had a hard time understanding. Pandora, too, noticed this

 Pandora, too, noticed this

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