𝓕𝒶𝓁𝒶 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒮𝒸𝒽ℴℴ𝓁 𝒻ℴ𝓇 𝒢ℴℴ𝒹

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Nobody realised Fala was an intruder. Somehow, she was in all the lists. Which made her wonder even more. Was she actually Good? And if she was, why did that bird left her there? Or maybe the bird was just confused and she wasn't supposed to be here at all.
But then was the shadow. It was all so confusing.
It was Tuesday, the second day in School. Since she started dressing like the others, wearing basic uniforms, less people looked at her with big eyes.
After Agatha and Sophie, stereotypes started to be broken. Handsome guys in Evil, ugly girls in Good. That's why, Fala was nothing special. She catched their eyes just because she's beautiful.
She was now rolling in bed, waiting for the clock to ring, as she woke up earlier. Ophelia was still sleeping.
That boy was Ophelia's brother. And Ophelia said her name is Pendragon. She's King Tedros' daughter. So the boy is his son. So he is the future king of camelot. So the future king of Camelot kissed her hand.
This all went too fast. Barely two days, and her whole life changed. Her first day was ok. Boring lessons, the basic ones, such as history. Their teacher was Dean Sophie's husband. He was very chill, Fala liked him. Even tho, he looked at Fala with weird looks.
"Who may you be?" He asked Fala
"I am Fala of Foxwoods" she said with bored eyes.

Ophelia was next to Fala the whole day. Looking at her face. Admiring her body. Next to Fala, Ophelia was nothing. Fala looked like a real princess. She was tall with long, cooper coloured hair. With ice blue eyes. Long lashes,skinny limbs, white skin and pink lips. She was always walking straight, not even looking at the Evers, who were loosing their head over her.

What's her mother doing? Her mother was the only one bringing Fala happiness. She is now alone, in a big, big world.
Right when tears filled Fala's eyes,the clock rang.
Fala woke up tired, with no interest in living, eyebags, messy hair and sore throat.
Ophelia woke up like a princess. She strched her hands, yawned then looked outside the window. She was already happy. Her hair was straight and shiny, only the hair line was a little bit wavy. Her eyes were clear and her skin fresh.
Two different girls.
They dressed, Fala dressed up fast and brushed her hair. Ophelia took a shower, put on some mascara and pink lip gloss, dressed in a pink dress and white heels and put on perfume.
While she did her routine, Fala just waited on the bed. "Why so much fuss? Is there any boy you like?" Fala asked, not really thinking about it. Usually, girls loose their head over boys.
Ophelia blushed and closed her lip gloss.
Fala was looking at the ceiling.
"Let's go" Ophelia jumped from her seat.
The girls left the room. The white halls were full of students. They already were best friends. Boys studing their swords, girls sharing make-up, nymphs trying to keep them organized and fairies falling because of too much perfume.
Ah yes, The School for Good.
Fala sighted once again
"Are you ok?" Ophelia asked.
"Do I look ok?"
They just walked throught the crowd, to the breakfast. The breakfast was inside, only with Evers. The two girls took some food and sat facing each other. Ophelia had avocado with toast and cucumber salad.
Fala was just chewing on a cooked potato.
"Don't you think you should eat more?" Ophelia asked after swallowing.
Fala just raised her eyes and stoped eating. Her friend got embarassed.
"Oh-n-no I didn't mean to shame you! Your body looks very good, but this won't give you enought energy"
Fala started eating again, still judging the princess with her looks.
"Gosh, you really like eye contact, don't you?" Ophelia said looking at her plate.

A girl with blonde hair sat uninvited next to Fala. It was the girl from the first day, which everyone adored. "I am Ecatherina of Maidenvale" she streched her hand. Fala gave her hand untrusting. "I couldn't ignore the fact that everyone seems to like you. And I like to be in the centre of attention, so we can be friends" she smiled.
Fala looked at Ophelia. Her friend just raised her shoulders.
"I'm not a person who likes having many friends"

Ecatherina looked a little bit confused at Fala. She isn't used with people refusing her. Yeah, that basic story. The main caracter refuses a friendship then they become enemies. But who am I to judge them? I just write.

The blonde looked at Fala, then tried to make a kind face. "It's ok, i see you aren't used to this everything yet" she got up and left walking elegant. The table she sat at was full of pretty girls. After she talked to them, some started looking at Fala.

"Tell me more about you, since we are friends now" Ophelia suggested.
"What do you want to know?"
"Well...for example, your favourite colour"
"Do you have siblings?"
"Uhm...What do you like to do?"
Fala's short answears were intimidating Ophelia.
"Who are your parents?are they Good too?"
"I told you already my place isn't there. Both of my parents were Evil"
"My dad died. Before I was born"
"Oh...how did he died?"
"My mom said he left to some bussines and somebody killed him. Basically he was murdered"
Ophelia's eyes got bigger.
"Aren't you courious who did it? Don't you want revenge?I would-"
"No. I never knew him. Why want revenge when it didn't affect me?"
"But it's your father"
"But i never loved him. Do you understand? I can't love somebody i never knew. Mother, on the other part, loved him. And he loved mother. She has a dress that dad give her. It's the one I wore two days ago. He'd given mother everything she wished for, took her away from her irritating family that forced her to be Good"
"He sounds like a nice guy. Sad that he died"
The clock rang. Everyone started to fuss, preparing for their lessons.
Fala and Ophelia walked out to beautification. "Good has weird school subjects" Fala said.
The class was big and very elegant. Girls of their age walked in, chosing a desk to sit in. Fala and Ophelia, of course, sat next to each other. Ecatherina came in with her friends. An arab girl, a ginger girl and a black girl.
After some minutes, a woman dressed in a big dress walked in. She was in her 40s or 50s, had wrinkles that somehow looked good, hair full of butterfly pins and a yellow dress with a white swan on her chest.
Fala rememberd. You can't take off the swan. It represents if you are either Good or Evil.
"Good morning, my new dear students" professor Anemone started. "I am your beautification teacher, Emma Anemone. I will teach all of you, from the ugliest to the prettiest, how to win any prince's heart"
The class started to fuss, talking with each other.
"Of course, I am sure you all now basic beauty tricks and how to be pretty, so I won't offend your capabilities. Our first lesson is an easy one. Smiles"
Fala and Ophelia looked at each other. Fala hates smiling. She just looked bored at the teacher.
"A smile is the most important thing for a princess, or for any girl in general. A perfect smile could win even the most frozen heart. It could save your life, or you could save someone's life with it. Let's see what we got there"

She started checking all the girls and their smiles. Ecatherina had a beautiful one. Her friends too.
Then was Ophelia.
She stand up and smiled. "Perfect. Just open your eyes a little bit...and...yes. That's it! That's a perfect smile!Look at her!"
Everyone was looking at Ophelia. She really had a perfect smile. "Now, next" she pointed at Fala.
Ophelia sat down as Fala stand up. She straightened her back.
The teacher's smile faded a little bit.
  "What is your name,dear?" Anemone asked her, as she didn't ask this anybody else.
"Fala. Fala of Foxwoods"
"Well, Fala, let's see your smile..."
But professor Anemone didn't care about her smile anymore. She was studying Fala's features, as they looked so familiar.
Fala smiled.
"Dear, it's very beautiful, but it's... it is full of pride and ego. It isn't a Good smile. Try to relax your eyes. And make it less wide...yes..something like this"
Fala had now a kind smile. Which made her look very different.
  Everything in this School was fucked up. Why were the teachers looking at her in that way anyways?

 Why were the teachers looking at her in that way anyways?

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