Mingyu was no more shocked with the intuitive capability of the Prince, even though Minister Kim asked him to be a spy, he decided to never betray the prince the moment he realized the prince was a good person.

"My Lord I will never betray you." Mingyu didn't fail to face the prince this time.

"I don't know about that but I want you to betray me by telling him only the things that I want you to tell him." Wonwoo smirked.

"As you wish My Lord." Though Mingyu was confused but he agreed within a heartbeat.

"Stop this 'My Lord' thing. Now let's go to the crown prince."

Mingyu nodded and accompanied the Prince outside. He was not sure what this Prince was plotting but he didn't care. He reluctantly left the Prince outside the crown Prince's chamber and headed outside the palace to the Kim Residence.

"What happened to your guard today? I thought you would visit me sooner?" Jeonghan beamed as he saw Wonwoo enter.

"He said he had something urgent to do."

"And what is that?"

Wonwoo shrugged.

"So about Iseul? Did you find something?"

"Yes. But I will need something from you in return if that is alright. " Wonwoo beamed a 'two can play at this game' smile.

"Sure. What do you want?" Jeonghan smirked.

"Information about my mother's death."

Jeonghan pondered for a bit but eventually agreed to help Wonwoo.

"Prince Iseul said he found my eunuch carrying a black satchel of poison and your guard killed him and got killed himself." Wonwoo eyed Jeonghan but he was as calm as ever.

"That guard was someone new. I didn't even know he existed until that incident. I am myself investigating it and apparently that guard is not from my residence. His name is not even marked anywhere in the official records."

"If you are right.. than he is definitely employed by someone inside the palace I assume. " Wonwoo added.

"That's my fear, though I can't be sure." Jeonghan shrugged.

"Now I am sorry if this offends you but can you tell me about your mother's disappearance?"

"Only if you are comfortable." Wonwoo added.

"Why? Do you think these events are connected somehow your mother and mine?" Jeonghan tried to pry but Wonwoo's cold stare never faltered.

"That's my assumption, I might be wrong. Anyways I believe you are more clever than you let on. If it was you, you won't fail to poison me. So I have decided to take your side."

"That was a compliment right?" Jeonghan chuckled nervously.

Wonwoo nodded.

" I believe I am more capable than you for the throne and the King knows it himself. I don't really need to kill you." Jeonghan added.

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