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Nijimura raged madly in the darkness, surrounded by hot smoke and flames. The little cat was dragged behind by him, his wrist was clenched until it was numb, and he was constantly tripping. Behind the two of them was the sound of chaos and the strong smell of battle. The black-haired vampire gritted his teeth, his sharp fangs protruded coldly, his eyes gleaming with deadly red. He was running away from the battle, leaving his people behind, gradually being annihilated, bringing with them the regret of their own dynasty, which had not yet been officially born and then perished.

Just a few minutes ago, Nijimura was working on a new plan to hasten the capture of the kingdom. And now, he can only accept that the old plan seemed to be perfect, but there was a big flaw in the first place.

He really, couldn't compete with both of the so-called Great Demon Kings.

- Already... on the same road... Why don't you surrender...

The dark-haired vampire stood on the top terrace of the castle, looking down at the smoke and flames below, hands clasped, eyes filled with hatred, watching his hopeful army gradually disappear. They were all people who had a grudge against the Demon King, with the ambition to change this kingdom. Unfortunately, this dream, even if it comes true, they cannot witness it.

- Even if I surrender, I will never bow to those Akashi people!


"That child of non-pure blood has no right to bear the last name Akashi."


"His existence will be a stain on our clan."


"His bloodline should not exist anymore."


"He's just a child. Let him live, as long as he doesn't have the last name Akashi. Maybe it will help our clan in the future."


- You hate me, don't you?

Nijimura let go of Tetsuya's hand and turned to look behind him. Akashi Masaomi had found him, his red eyes radiating cold murderous intent, as if he wanted to instantly suffocate both of the people in front of him. The little cat shivered coldly, ducking its head to avoid the Great Demon King's gaze, and immediately looked up again when he saw the black shadow falling in front of him. He was standing in front of him, hiding him from Masaomi's sight.

- Hate it. Of course I regret it! You are the one in the wrong! But in the end it's all my mother's fault!


- Why can't we beat someone like you?!

He cocked his teeth, his jet-black eyes glowing red. Rose thorns rose from the hard rock, covering the surrounding space into a ring. They are like their current owners, like angry, like crazy for revenge, constantly pounding the floor, hitting the air, making sounds that tear the wind. This move, only people with Akashi blood can do.

- You've already lost. Are you going to risk your life to confront me?

- Yes, we lost. But I only conceded defeat to Akashi Seijuurou. As for you, it's time to pay for your sins.

Akashi Masaomi laughed loudly. His eyes were blood-red, rose thorns under his control sprouted, calmly determining his target and slaughtering. His arrogant demeanor in battle did not diminish, partly because he believed that the black-haired vampire's power could not harm him, and partly because he had foreseen his defeat through his current actions.

Nijimua's thorns wrapped around the kitten, protecting him from a confrontation between the two. Focusing on protecting one person, of course, will not be able to focus on the match, the scope of activities is naturally limited. He was, since deciding to protect him, had foreseen his failure.

AKAKURO - THE GREAT DEMON KING'S PET CATWhere stories live. Discover now