"well- what about them?" matt asks nervously.

chris hesitates now for a moment, thinking about what he's about to say. max has trusted him with this information, is he now just gonna go and tell matt all about it?

he felt bad but he knew that matt wouldn't tell and soul and would definitely keep it on the down low. plus, matt was the only one who knew about nicks "crush" on max.

"chris?" matt asks snapping chris out of his thoughts.

"sorry, mind blank." chris chuckles awkwardly.

"so... what do you need to tell me about max and nick?"

chris hesitates a second longer before sighing.

"you gotta promise not to tell anyone." matt looks at chris confused.

"of course. triplet code." matt puts his hand out for chris to grab. they dap each other up before the elevator door opens. they walk in and start to head downstairs.

"you're the only other person who knows that nick likes max right?" chris asks. matt feels his heart speed up. yes he knew that, but he knew that his feelings were stronger than that now.

"yeah." matt says sheepishly.

"well, when me and max went out before, he told me that he has feelings for nick." chris says quickly, as if, if he took any longer it would make the outcome worse.

matt stands there shocked for a second. max feels the same about nick and nick does for him? but does he love him, or does he like him? it's good either way, just may be a bit intense.

"he does?" matt asked.

"he does!" chris thinks about bringing up the fact they used to be childhood friends. but he decides to let max handle that. that's a bit more personal, for both max and matt.

while max was nicks childhood romance, matt and max were as tight as tight gets. they were the bestest of friends. they were so close, that maxs random disappearance hit matt harder than it did for nick. matt didn't talk for about a month after max left. the only time he spoke was to say thank you when his parents would give him dinner at night.

he didn't want to break the news to matt. he'd leave it up to max.

"does he like him, or does he love him?" matt asks.

"why does it matter?" chris asks skeptical.

"because nick loves max." matt says casually. chris' eyes widen when he hears the words leave matt's lips.

"HE LOVES HIM?" the elevator doors open and the two make their way outside and down the street to the local starbucks.

"yep. when you and max were out, nick started panicking because max and him went out late last night. and when he realised max had left early with you he thought he'd fucked up and he was going to talk smack about him to you," matt rambles. "and then i asked if he was ok, and one thing led to another and he told me he was in love with max, or he was pretty certain he was."

"damn, that's intense. i don't think i've seen nick like that for a while." chris says.

"yeah, it's only happened once i'm pretty sure. i'm pretty sure it was after he found out that one guy he was talking to wasn't even gay and was using him for clout." matt says. chris sighs at the memory, that hurt the two of them almost as much as it hurt nick.

"but he's ok now?" chris wanted to make sure.

"yeah, we talked it out and he's ok. i'll just keep an eye on him though." matt smiles.

"so you don't think it'd be a good idea for max to tell nick? that he's in love with him?" chris asks.

"wait- max loves nick as well." matt asks surprised.

"yeah! while you were back at the hotel, me and max went out and he was feeling anxious about going out last night as well, so he went on a walk and i came with him. and then he told me he was in love with nick." chris obviously left out the parts about how he loved nick all those years ago as well, for obvious reasons.

"so he was feeling anxious about it too." matt connects the dots.

"yep." chris pops the 'p'. "so, should max tell nick or no?"

"ummm, im not sure. i think he should before we leave back for boston, even though that's in a week or so. but only if he wants to and feels comfortable enough too." matt says softly.

"yeah i agree."

chris and matt continue to walk down the street to starbucks. once they arrive they order their drinks and wait.

"so, try and convince max to tell nick. since you said he wants to eventually. but again make sure he's comfortable and actually wants to do it." matt explains to chris.

"i know, i know. trust me, i know what i'm doing." chris says.

"ok, just checking. then lemme know the details and stuff of what's happening."

"will do boss."

they get their drinks and start to head back to the hotel.

the rest of this trip was gonna be interesting.

hey y'all
sorry for the late upload, i've been super busy today.


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