"You told me you heard something in here. We're not opening this door even again until the Ruler tells us to." One guard said to the other.

"What? They aren't going to open this door until someone tells them to? That could take ages! We need to get out of here as fast as we can; the Thousand Sunny could be taken by now!" Sanji thought, with a hint of desperation.

"I'm telling you, I heard something here." The other guard persisted.

"We're going to close this now. Don't get locked in here by accident." The two guards then stepped out of the door and dropped the key on the floor inside the cell.

"You idiot! Close this door now! You were the one who wanted to!" The guard exclaimed, as they gathered the key and started to close the door.

"I have to do it!" Sanji exclaimed.

In a rush, Sanji opened one eye and took the key that Zoro gave him and aimed it just between the door and the hings. It landed.

"That. Was. So. Lucky." Sanji expressed in his mind. 

The guards tried to close the door once again, but the key stopped the door from closing and prevented the guards once again. 

This time, Sanji ran towards them and activated his Concasser, causing the guards to fall down and lose consciousness. Sanji grabbed some rope that Usopp kept on his belt and some tape that Nami used. He tied them up and gagged them so that they wouldn't be too loud and attract anyone. Sanji then lightly closed the door, but not fully, to make sure that he didn't lock himself in again. He threw the guards into a corner and started to open more cuffs of the crew.

Robin? Done. 
Luffy? Done. 
Chopper? Done. 
Brook? Done. 

Slowly, Luffy began to awaken consciousness and yawned so loud that people from Skypiea could hear him. Sanji had to shut his mouth so that Luffy didn't give away the fact that he was awake. 

"Luffy, be quiet!" Sanji whispered loudly.

Luffy nodded vigorously and stopped talking. Sanji slowly removed his hand from Luffy's mouth and sighed. Nobody was coming to check on them yet.

"Sanji, what's going on? Why am I wearing this? What happened?" Luffy bombarded Sanji with questions, while whispering to him.

"You were knocked out by that admiral, Kuina, I think that was her name?"

"The admiral that challenged Zoro to a fight?"

"Yeah, and Zoro's bounty got upped heavily to about 2.5 billion berries. After that, Zoro left for Shimotsuki Palace, we found him, and then Kuina put Seastone Handcuffs on you Devil Fruit users and then she threw us in here. Zoro knocked me and Franky out, that's why Franky has a big cut on his chest. But before knocking me out, That Mosshead gave me a key to escape; I've got it here to unlock the Seastone Cuffs, but I can't leave until everyone has woken up, if I take everyone here, and we get noticed, we aren't going to get far with getting Zoro back. I've just captured the guards outside and thrown them into that corner over there." Sanji to where the guards were, captured. 

Luffy stayed silent.

"Why do you think Zoro actually left?" Luffy whispered even softer to Sanji.

"...my guess is that his family is a lot like mine, and so is his upbringing. He probably had something to protect in his family line, such as a brother or sister. Believe it or not, when Kuina and Zoro had their private talk on our ship, Nami, Robin and I listened in on their conversation. We found out that Zoro had to go to Shimotsuki Palace because the Shimotsuki was the main supply to the World Government for resources and everything. But the Shimotsuki then suddenly just stopped trading when Zoro's father came in control of the Shimotsuki. The World Government then decided to wage war on the Shimotsuki. Zoro probably wants this to happen. He didn't agree to the deal instantly, but he softened up to it when he thought of his younger brother. Joben might die if Zoro doesn't protect him. The former also has 1 billion berries. You should've heard of him. Marimo left at midnight because he knew that it would disturb the balance of our crew. He knew that everyone wouldn't take it lightly." Sanji narrated.

"Well, I knew that he did it for a reason. He's not that type of guy to just desert us and leave." Luffy stretched out his arms to feel that sensation.

"Did you know that the World Government's going to attack the palace in no more than 1 week? You need to convince him as soon as you can, and killing your brother isn't going to help that!" Kuina's voice rang out from outside.

"I've got a plan. If I can kill him, then the throne comes back to me and I'm stated to be the ruler of all Shimotsuki. I can give back resources to the World Government, the war is then called off, and I'll reinstate Joben as the ruler of the Shimotsuki. Luffy might forgive me and maybe I can go back to being a pirate. Plus, if worse comes to worse, I'll fight the World Government by myself if I have to. Including you." Zoro's voice then came.

Luffy and Sanji's eyes widened at Zoro's remark.

"Oh no."

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