- See? It wasn't so difficult now, was it? – he lightened the mood. I chuckle.

- It's amazing! – I say with a big smile.

I can't believe it worked. My dad is going to be so proud of me, this is one of the most important techniques a wolf can develop, and I just figured it out. Granted, I still need to practice more, but it's going to be so much easier now. I'm so thrilled. I quickly stand up and went to give Caleb a big hug. He is taken by surprise, but after a while he warms into the hug and puts his hands around me, causing me to hold him tighter.

- Why is this for? – he asked a little lost, making me laugh. I released him and stepped back to see him.

- Just to thank you. – I responded warmly.

- You did all the job. – he commented wittily, and I chuckled.

- Yeah, but I still want to thank you... my dad's going to be proud. – we both smiled.

- As he should. You are doing great. – he complimented me.

- Thanks. – I appreciate his comment.

I feel so fulfilled with myself and it's all thanks to him. I've said this before and I'll continue to say it, I wouldn't have done it without his help. We stare into each other, no words being said, and it doesn't feel awkward. I lose myself in the blueish gray of his eyes. The light shines from the side, illuminating everything even more. I never noticed it before, but his eyes are so clear and deep. Like looking down at the ocean. After a while, he breaks eye contact and looks to the left. I turn my head to see some figures heading in our direction. So, I block the sun to picture them better; it's Maya and Nadia. They sure have been spending lots of time together, I'm glad to see them getting along.

Nadia is wearing a beautiful casual dress with flower stamping, so colorful. Maya on the other hand is wearing some light blue jeans with a white crop and a red-caudicula shirt on top. They are laughing about something, and I can't help thinking it's weird seeing them like that. Not in a million years would anyone believe they are friends. Nadia looks like the stereotypical good schoolgirl and Maya is like the mean girl at school to whom everyone is too afraid to talk.

- I guess time's up. – Caleb spoke sarcastically.

I chuckle finding it funny. I could get used to this, working with Caleb until the girls arrive and then heading back home. He moves and starts packing everything up. I do the same. We are becoming friends... that makes me smile.

- What are you smiling about? – he asked while still grabbing his stuff.

- Huh? Nothing, just a thought. – I decide better not to tell him.

- Whatever. We still need to finish the project, though. When do you want to meet? – he asked.

-Ummm... I'm free whenever you want. What works better for you? – I offered in return. He took some seconds to decide.

- I have some errands to do. How about Thursday? –

- Yeah sure, Thursday it is. – I agreed.

That will give me time to catch up on the team and get some more lessons with Jeremiah. Who knows, maybe next time I won't need Caleb to get it right. I appreciate Caleb's help and time, but I still feel a little ashamed whenever he's teaching me. We are basically the same age and he's far more experienced than any wolf my age in the pack. It would be nice coming with a few tricks of my own next time we train.

- What's happening on Thursday? – Nadia wondered, finally arriving.

- Oh, nothing. We'll meet again to finish some details of the project. – I explained and lean in for a peck, which she corresponded immediately.

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