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"Live your life to the fullest because you never know when it will end."


"Oyyyyyyyyyy wake up flower nerd"

The first sound I heard as a light breeze welcomed me through the window was Jasmine's voice.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a brown ceiling and a hazy representation of a well-known talking flower. I let out a big blow before stretching my bones out on the bed while sitting up straight.

"* Morning Jas, still like calling me by that Nickname?'

I muttered those words while chuckling and tensing up a few more of my body's bones before turning to face them.
Jasmine only smiles at me in their annoying tone.

"Why? It's a fact you know?"

They replied with a smug face.
I can only lightly roll my "eyelight" before getting out of bed and dressing like a typical florist.

Despite what has been happening for the past few days, everything feels as though it is a normal day, as if the accident or mission never happened before.

But I'm happy that I can still get up today and go about my normal business as a merchant with Jasmine.
Now that I think about it, I realize Jasmine has three different forms they can take.

First, they have their original form—Asriel—in which they appear as a white goat monster donning a long robe. When I first discovered them, they reminded me of Dr. Toriel..

Second is what they called "photoshop Flowey ?" But jasmine likes to call it Omega Flowey because they say it is cooler.

They say this is the strongest form, they say they use it when they help me escape but i cannot really get the picture of detail but well whatever.
Lastly is their usual form flower, or Jasmine i know.

Now it makes me wonder why they always take their flower form.

"Because i lazy to walk, that's why i like hanging on your shoulder"

I realize i accidently voice my thoughts out loud as they suddenly speak, I can help but blink at them and give them playfull sneers.

"* i tought im the one who lazy here"

Jasmine gave me a mischievous chuckle as I finished putting one last accessory on my left shoulder, and then both of us went to the kitchen to start making breakfast.
The first thing I did was to make sure we still had all of the ingredients.

I find myself looking at the leftover rice in the fridge, and with that I decide to make fried rice for this morning.

"*Jas, would you kindly start the water heating?
*for your own hot chocolate milk or tea."

I asked while setting up the stove and preparing the ingredients to cook the rice.

I heard a soft "sure" coming from jasmine before they got off my shoulders and made their way towards the cupboard

After that, I went back to cook fried rice and started cutting the vegetables. There's not much talking between us, only silence filled with the sounds of stir fry and boiling water.

As soon as everything was ready, I took two plates and placed them on the table, followed by the fried rice.
Jasmine, grab two mugs and fill it with boiling water, then they begin to make the drink, a tea and a hot chocolate.

Florist Merchants Journey - Melati!sansWhere stories live. Discover now