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The brightness of your determination will light up the path to your future


Jasmine and I landed on this au called Underswap, where the original role is switched. As I walk in, I start noticing the place is covered in white from snow, and it fills me with nostalgia.

As I look around, my eyes sparkle to see a light coming from a town and a sign that reads "welcome to Snowdin." Oh look the o in snowdin have a doodle of a duck or a snowman?. I turn around to continue my observations about this location. Behind me is a long bridge, and beneath it is a very deep chasm that makes me nervous.

Then an old memory burst into my head, but it was gentler than usual, like a loving mother's touch.

" Hey mel~ are you there? "

Jasmine's voice calls me back to reality; I look at them and nod, then cover my skull with my hood.

Jasmine simply nodded back as we walked into town. There aren't many monsters outside of their house, but some of them noticed me before continuing their activities, but it still makes me nervous. I looked around for a place to sell my flower, but my walk was stopped in its tracks due to a savepoint that sits between two buildings. Makes me wonder if I can use them like my own save point, so I change my path to get close to it. Jasmine was taken aback by my actions, and they were about to question me when they noticed the savepoint. To avoid suspicion, I create a space between me and savepoint. I touch it when I'm close enough to the save point.



Snowdin - Underswap #452

Saved            Return


That's a little different than before. It took me a few moments to recognize what I would like to do.


File Saved


For safety of course, I look at jasmine signaling them that I am already done.

"Okay, before we get started, let's have a nice snack. Ah, I haven't had a hot sweet cinnamon bun in a long time."

Jasmine said as they drew me to the nearest shop. Cinnamon bun? Sounds nice.

We were greeted by the bunny monster as we entered the shop. She smiled politely at us with her slanted as if closed eyes.

"Hello, traveler, How can I help you?"


aid the nice lady.

" we would like to buy two cinnamon bun"

Reply jasmine while taking 50G of money out of my pocket and give it to the shopkeeper.

"Alright. Here, fresh from oven, Thanks for your purchase"

she said as they handed us the cinnamon bun, I can smell a sweet scent and tell myself that this is going to be good. I flick a glance at Jasmine, who is greedily devouring it. I imitate what they do as well . As I bite, I can feel my mouth filling up with sweetness, and the warm sensation, the taste is indescribable.

Florist Merchants Journey - Melati!sansWhere stories live. Discover now