Clean Up |chapter 21|

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I raised the beer bottle, and with the scarp glass, cut my dad's face in radge. When he looked back at me with a murderous face, I knew I should of run away. But something in me was telling me to fight. He grabbed both sides of my face and slammed it through the stained glass coffee table. When I slowly got back up I could tell there was a shard of glass in my face because the right side of my face couldn't stop bleeding and part of my vision was clouded by blood. I swung a quick right hook and knocked him back on the couch. I whipped some of the blood off my face and ran into my room. I had to get a bit more stuff because I was running out of clean clothes. I stuffed whatever clothes I could fit into another duffel bag I found. When I got everything I thought I needed, I headed out the front door instead of the window.

When I was walking out, I saw my deer bottle in the corner from earlier and decided to take it with me until I thought it was face. I could even make it five steps near the door before my dad slammed me to the ground and used the bottle against me. "You little son of a bitch. I gave you life and this is the way you repay me!?" He yelled, holding the beer bottle to my left eye. I tried to push back but I was too strong. I managed to shift where the bottle was below my eye. I didn't have any more strength to hold him back. I got out of his hands and the bottle and was ready to take any damage that it was about to cause. After that it was a bit of a blur. I remember walking out of the home and back to the Curtis house. I remember looking down at the sidewalk, leaving spots of blood every other step. I occasionally swiped some of it off but who was I kidding. It's not like it was going to help.

When I opened the door to the Curtis house. I saw Two-bit and Steve on the couch ready to pounce at anything that moved. On the sight of me, they sprung up from the couch to see the condition I was in. They both rushed by my side and guided me to the bathroom where all the supplies were. They patched up my face and took out the  glass. By their silence and their expression, I could tell it was bad. When they were done I put my bag in Soda's room and headed to the living room. I sat on the couch staring at the floor which seemed like an eternity. When I felt someone sit next to me, is when I stooped my sad gaze. "Hey Steve and I wanted to go to hospital to see how Ponyboy is, what to come?" Two-bit said, with a pain look on his face. We both slowly stood up and the three of us headed out the to the hospital to see sweet old Ponyboy.

When we got to the hospital Two-bit and Steve insisted they needed to get some food before seeing Ponyboy. I decided to go to Ponyboy's room first because food can always wait. I stood in the doorway looking over at Ponyboy in a hospital bed and Sodapop asleep in the chair beside him. For a second I just sat there staring at Ponyboy and back to Sodapop. But when I always when I looked back at Soda, I had so much pity for him and what he was going through. He didn't deserve any of it. When I started to look at Soda more, I noticed that me had bags under his eyes. When I took a step closer, Soda got startled and woke up. "Oh Coco, I didn't know you were here," he yawned. I walked up to him and pulled a near by chair towards him. "How have you been hold up?" I asked him. I started to get heavily concerned about how he was taking care of himself.

Soda looked over at Ponyboy without making eye contact with me. "Yeah I'm fine," he said blankly. I took a hand and placed it on his cheek. I turned his face to look at mine. "Sodapop Patrick Curtis, you are not fine. Really, how are you?" I demanded. I could see a tear form in his eye. "I don't know how I'm supposed to deal with all of this," he said. "I can't do everything that Darry asked of me and still take care of Ponyboy and hold up a job at a lousy gas station. I'm supposed to work a nine to five but be home early enough to help around the house." I started to slowly wipe the tear of of Soda face. I pulled him in close and kissed in the four head. "Soda you can always come to me. You don't have to hide anything from me," I reassured him. I could tell he was crying to my shoulder but there was so noise. There were just quiet sobs. I ran my fingers through his hair. I just heald him without saying a single word.

The only thing that broke the silence was Ponyboy's wails for Johnny. We both broke out of the hug to look at him. He still had his eyes closed. Just waiting for his best friend. It brought a tear to my eye in how painful this was going to be for him when he woke up. Really taking in the truth of it all. "Johnny's dead," Soda mumbled. "Dally's dead," I mumbled. Those words were the few words everyone needed to hear. It's hard to belive it but it's true. They were both dead. I looked at Soda who was staring back at me. I got up and heald out my hand. "Come on. We need to get something to eat  before we pass out," I said, with a light smile. Soda grabbed my hand as we walking down the hall way with our fingers interlocked with one another, afraid the other would disappear.

"Hey Coco?" Soda asked. "Yea?" "What happened to your face?" He asked, pushing a piece of my hair behind my ear. I rested my head on his shoulder. "My dad," I mumbled. He squeezed my hand tighter. "I lost it after you called," I sighed. "I have no idea why but I did." "I'm glad you're here," he said, changing the subject to something that clearly made me upset. "Yeah me too," I said, in a lower tone. As we reached the cafeteria, we could see Steve trying to toss the fries into Two-bits mouth. They kept on trying but missed. But they did have some success.

We saw Darry almost passing out from his ignition. As we sat down, I snagged a fry off of Steve's plate. "Hey, what gives?" He pouted, taking a fry of his plate. "Hey I'm hungry so you better give me a fry before I punch you so hard you'll go back to next week," I defended. Soda gave a light chuckle before also stealing a fry. "Wouldn't we all like that," Darry interrupted, also stealing a fry. We all sat in silence. "This went downhill fast," Soda quietly said.

"Guys there are not going to come back. Even Ponyboy will realize that," I said, starting to set everyone straight. "But we can make the best of it. Even if it hurts." I looked at everyone as the sorrow on their faces started to wash away. "Let's get away." Everyone started to quickly some out there statute of depression and started to look confused. "Get away?" Steve asked. "Yeah," I said. "I was planning to do it for Soda's birthday but we can go right after Ponyboy gets better. Seems like we all need it." Everyone started to nod in agreement. Getting away was the best thing to do.

After that Steve, Two-bit, and Darry decided to go back to the house to get some rest. Two-bit and Steve were more willing but Darry had to get dragged. Sodapop didn't want to leave his kid brother so I offered to stay with him. We sat in the hospital room, watching Pony sleep in the bed while Soda was trying to stay awake in the chair next to me. "Soda you can go to sleep. He's not going to walk away," I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. "I can't," he replied, clearly exhausted. "If I go to sleep it's like I'm living with him all over again."

"He'll forgive you for taking a few hours to sleep. Come go to bed and I'll watch over him so he won't be alone." As I watched his eyelid close I let go of the breath that I've seemed  to be holding for so long. He was going to be okay. I was going to be okay. Steve, Two-bit, Darry, and Ponyboy were going to be okay.

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