Uncomfortable Outing |chapter 5|

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Later on that day we met up Evie and Steve at the DX. As I talked with Evie more, I found out we had a lot in common. She said that Steve and her had been on and off. Only because Steve's parents don't really like her. She went on to explain at A few weeks ago, Soda broke up with his ex Sandy. He apparently had this whole dream about how they would get married after Sandy had graduated. But her parents disapproved of the whole thing. They tried to keep it on the DL but they were getting too close to the truth so he broke it off so they wouldn't find out. He thought it would have been easier if he broke it off. I felt so bad for Soda.

We wanted to keep on talking. But he had to get to the game. The boys tried to convince Two-bit to lend them his car but he said no. "Yeah when I was trying to ask Two-bit for the car he gave me lip and said, 'I'm not letting Soda drive my car as long as I live'. I thought it was a bit over dramatic," Steve said. "Well I don't blame him. Remember when he tried to hotwire the car and scars he'd it," Evie said. "Dude, really?" I asked. Evie and Steve started to laugh. Soda looked shocked. "Ok my defense I didn't even have my permit yet," he explained. Then we arrived at the field. We didn't go through the front like everyone else. We went to the side of the field and stared at the fence in front of us.

Evie went up to it and threw her bag over it. "Free football game... I like it," I said. "Yeah, this is the only way we can actually see a game without Dally or Darry giving us cash for it," he explained. When we looked over, Evie and Steve already hopped the fence. "Come guys we can't wait all night," Steve said. Soda looked at me. "Have you ever hopped a fence before?" He asked. "Does my mother think you're my boyfriend?" I replied. We both smiled. Both of us hopped over the fence like a piece of cake. We sat down on the bleachers. We didn't know which side was which but we didn't really care. Later on in the game, the teams were neck and neck. But the more we stayed the more the place smelled like beer and cigarettes.

"Hey, do you want to get some food with me?" Soda asked Steve. He nodded and they took off. As Evie and I sat there the scent of cigarettes and beer got stronger. I slowly looked over my shoulder. In my view I could see five old guys creeping up behind us. As I started to look forward, I tried to stay calm. I tried to even out my breaths and keep a smile. On my face. Evie slowly turned her head to look at me. "Hey what's wrong?" She whispered. I looked at her with a straight face. "Don't look but there five old guys were at the top of the bleachers and now there behind us. Steve and Soda just left," I whispered back. Then she got the same look of fear that I had.

"Can we go to the bathroom?" She asked. She started to stutter in her voice. "I don't know. They could follow us," I replied. "If we tried to get Steve and Soda they could just follow us back home," I explained. "Did you bring anything?" I asked her. "No, what about you?" She asked. I reached into my back pocket but realized something. "What is it?" Evie asked. "Darry took my blade from my pocket. I don't have anything," I said. "When are they coming back?" I asked. "I don't know, Steve said she was really hungry," she explained. "It could be awhile before they come back."
We just looked at eachother with fear. We could hear the men talking. How they would want to take us out.

This happened to me pretty often but there were only young boys. But the thought of an older man doing what he wanted... It gave me the chills. We couldn't do anything so we were forced to stay there. The sun started to slowly set and it seemed like Steve and Soda were gone for hours. The men started to get more drunk and high by every passing second. We held each other's hand to make sure we always knew where the other was. My arms and legs started to shake so much, Evie could see it. It seemed like it had been days but Soda and Steve finally came back. They were laughing and having so much fun. But when Soda sat next to me with that big smile, I couldn't smile back.

Then his smile started to turn into a frown. He looked at me up and down. He could tell I was scared of something. Then he slowly looked at our surroundings. He saw the old guys and looked at Steve. He was also concerned. Then Soda took off his jacket and put it around me. Then he put his arm around me. My body started to slowly stop shaking and I felt some sort of comfort. "Hey, do you want to go? I know it's getting late," he said. I tried to nod but I was still shaken up. "Evie has to get home," Steve said. "We should go before its pitch black." Then Soda helped me stand up and we walked out. After a silent walk, we dropped Steve and Evie off at their house.

Then Soda dropped me off at my house. Before we went inside we both sat on the porch. "Thank you for getting me out of there," I said, lighting a cigarette. He puffed out some smoke. "I'm sorry I couldn't get you out of there sooner," he said. I looked at him. "You don't have to be sorry. You weren't one of the guys," I said. He started to look disappointed in himself. "I know it's just..." he began. "I had this gut feeling something was wrong. I should have trusted it." I put my hand on his shoulder. "I'm just glad you came when you did," I said. That seemed to put a smile on his face. As we got up I gave him back his sweater. Then before he took off he looked at me with his dreamy eyes and took my hand.

"I will see you in the morning?" Soda asked. I smiled and started to get butterflies. "Of course," I replied. As he let go of my hand and started to walk away I couldn't get the huge grin on my face to go away. I stayed up all night thinking about what Soda did. Well Soda and Steve. He was like a hero coming to my rescue. But he didn't have powers and he only lived a few blocks away. There's a time in your life when you think superheroes are real. You might have been 2 or 5. Either way we had a point in our lives where we thought anything was possible. You could read minds or you thought your cat could fly.

But when I was lost in my own mind, I found something in the pocket of Sodapop's jacket. I pulled it out and it was a piece of paper. I was hesitant to open it because it was in Soda's jacket therefore it must have been for him. But my curiosity got the better of me and I opened it. It was for me. I read the note carefully over and over again. It read exactly what I thought.

Dear Coco,
When I was getting food, Steve and I were talking. He brought up the fact that we have been getting a lot of bikes at DX resectly. And I remembered what you said the day you came over to our house. That you knew how to fix some up and give them a good paint job. So I talked to my boss and he said it would be a great idea to hire someone for the job. I know you need some cash so this is a perfect opportunity. Hope you consider the offer. Let me know as soon as possible.

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