Beginning of the Storm |chapter 17|

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When we arrived at the Curtis house I went straight into Soda's room. I decided to change my clothes into something more breathable and something I can move in. I just decided to wear a grey short sleeve crop top, some shorts, and a leather jacket. I also decided to throw my hair into a ponytail. I desided to stuff at least one can of beer in the jacket pockets. As I went out into the living room, Darry was putting on a shirt and talking with Ponyboy about how he shouldn't go to the rumble because he looked a bit under the weather, but Ponyboy said he was fine. Then I interjected. "Darry do you think I would be well to fight? I mean if a possible sick boy can," I said. He looked confused. "I don't see why not," he responded. "Good," I thought. "Now Soda can't stop me from going." I could hear him sigh from across the room. I looked at Ponyboy and smirked. "Hey don't get beat up too bad now, alright," I said, punching his shoulder. He smiled. "I'll try," he responded. I looked at Darry. I gestured to him to meet me in the other room. When he followed me, he closed the door behind him.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Darry asked. I started to go silent. "Coco, what is it?" He repeated. "Darry after the rumble I'm going to need that blade back," I said. He looked at me like I was crazy. He chuckled. "Are you serious?" He asked. I didn't break my expression. "Darry you know as well as I do that after this rumble no matter who wins, theres going to be blood in the water. We dont know what's going to happen next," I explained. He walked over to me and pulled out the blade from his pocket. I tried to take the blade back but he pulled it away. "Your not getting back until after the rumble. There's no reason to have it right now," he said. He caught me off gaurd with his response. I put my hands up. "Fine. After the rumble," I admitted.
Darry put the blade on the counter and we walked out of the room. When we returned, Soda and Steve were playing poker, and Soda tried to cheat by taking a ace out of is shoe. I chuckled under my breath. When I went to sit down in the living room, Ponyboy looked at me with his look of curiosity. "What is it Ponyboy?" I asked him. "Coco, have you ever liked fights?" he asked. I looked at him confused. Why would Soda's kid brother ask me a question like that? "Where is this coming from Pony?" I questioned. "Nowhere in particular," he replied. I sat there and thought about it. "Well," I explained. "It depends. Fights do help get some of my anger out most times. But others, not so much." "What kind of fight is this?" Ponyboy questioned.

"Anger," I replied. "Well this is a skin rumble. No weapons. It'll be fine Darry," Soda shouted from the other room. "Yea but Johnny nor Curly are going to be there tonight," Darry shouted back. As Ponyboy, Darry, Soda, and Steve all talked about Curly Sheperd, I looked through the window to see Two-bit approaching the house.

But when right Two-bit poked his head through the door, Darry ran out like a crazy lunatic. Next thing I knew all of us were getting up and ruching out the door as well. "Well it looks like were fit for a rumble," Two-but shouted. Soda screamed in excitement. When I looked over twords him, he was doing a flying somersault off of the steps and repeated to karwheel across the lane to ketchup to Darry. For the bad situation we were in, I couldn't help but the laugh. As I looked at them, I coudnt help but to feel felt out a bit. But I stood them all up my doing a kart wheel into a handspring and sticking with a backflip. When I was finished, I coul feel my blood pumping through my whole body. I couldn't have felt so alive. Soda flipped over twords me and put his arm around me. "I'm sorry for telling you what to do," he whispered in my ear. I put my hand on his cheek and moved his head to meet my eyes. "Sodapop Curtis, theres no way you could ever make me truly mad at you," I told him. He leaded in for a genial kiss. When he pulled away he started chant.

"I am a greaser. I am JD. I am a hood. I beat people up. I robb gas stations," he shouted at the top of his lungs. Steve desided to continue the chant. The more he spoke, the more it turned into mocking Socs. As we approached the lot, we all settled down. I could hear a cracking sound coming fro Two-bit. it seemed like him and I had the same idea. But it seemed like he brought way more beer than I expected. When we joined the other greasers, it seemed like all of them had their own way for preparing for a rumble. As I stood near a car, talking to one of the other greasers, a boy with slick black curly hair, dark blue eyes, a gash on his face, and a cat-like complication walked over twords me. "Well hello pretty lady," he began. "What's a lady doing somewhere out here?" I rolled eyes. "Preparing for a rumble. What the hell does it look like im doing?" I asked. He started to get twords me and all up in my face. "Well maybe we can get out of here. Get a bite to eat, what do you say?" I asked. I was stunned. "Ya'know, your really arrogant," I commented. I could feel someone behind me, pulling their arms around my waist.

"Back off Tim," Soda demanded. "She's already taken." Tim looked at Soda. "Well a girl can change her mind," he suggested. "Not likely," I told him. Soda held me tighter. Tim looked at us up and down and decided to back off. I turned around to look at Soda. "That was Tim Sheperd?" I asked. Soda nodded. "Yea. He thinks he can pull any girl he looks at," Soda commented. "Do you think his big ego can fit into his tiny brain?" I laughed. Soda leaned down to only appear a few centimeters away from my own face. "I think his big ego can't fit into his single brain cell," Soda replied. I could help but to laugh. "Sodapop Curtis, you are one interesting character," I told him. In the mix of a very dark time, he shined his movie star smile. The only smile I could never resist. I heard a familiar pair of footsteps approaching us.

"Guys I'm just here to remind you-," Darry started. I cut him off. "We know, run when the fuzz shows up. But like Soda said earlier, no one will call them," I said. Once Darry walked away, I stared back at Soda. "So Mr. Curtis," I began. "Where were we?" Soda pushed his face closer to mine, almost ready to make out. "I think I was about to give you a pre-rumble gift," I heard him say. Before his lips touched mine, car headlights were flashing at us. I looked over to see fancy mustangs, with fancy Socs inside of them. My heart fell to my feet. "This is real," I said under my breath. Soda held my hand and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I'm sorry my love but, it is," he told me. But by his words, I was too worried about the rumble to confront him about what he just said. I held his hand tight and started to walk to the front of the group. When all the stuffy Socs got out of the car, they approached us. But when they did, it was like there was an invisible line of red tape separating us.

"Sodapop, what are we doing here?" I whispered. "We're fighting for what's ours," he whispered back. "And we might get killed doing it," I responded. "If we do die," Soda began. "Then I want to be with you when it happens." I looked up at him. It seemed like he had so much confidence in what we could do. "Soda..." I said. "Yes?" he asked. "Please don't die on me. I want to grow old with you. Just... please don't die on me," I said in fear. He squeezed my hand tighter. "I'm not planning on it," he said.

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