Home Visit |chapter 2|

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We locked eyes for a moment with silence. Then he interjected. "Oh, come in. Make yourself at home," he said. As I walked in I saw two other boys inside. One had brown greased back hair and the other one was the guy at the shop that had buck teeth. As the guy closed the door he looked at me then back at his friends. "This is my older brother Darry," he said, pointing to the tough looking one. "And that's Steve," he said, pointing to the other guy. "And who is this Sodapop?" Darry said, looking intrigued. "Yeah, you were at the shop earlier," Steve commented. "I'm Coco," I said. "That's a very nice name," Darry said, handing me a beer. I was hesitant. "It seems you need it," he whispered. As I look the beer, I covered up the slap mark on my face with my hair so Steve or Soda wouldn't notice.

As I sat down next to Soda, the boys asked me questions. "So Coco, where are you from?" Steve asked. "Austin," I responded. Darry looked confused. "So why did you move out here?" He asked. I took a sip. "Uhm... It was too... chaotic where I was living, my parents wanted something simpler," I responded. Steve laughed. "Well your not going to find that here," he said. I looked at Soda. He looked hesitant. "There are rumbles here and there, some people get jumped, but not too often. Our friend Dally gets put in the cooler once and a while too," he reassured me. "But make sure to stay way from the Socs," Darry told me. I was confused. "Who are the Socs?" I asked. Darry put down his beer and striated his back. "Darry not now... she just got here..." Soda whispered. Then Darry proceeded to tell me.

"The Socs are preppy rich kids from the west side. They make our lives hell sometimes... A few months ago they jumped our best fried Johnny nearly to death. He has a bit of PTSD from it. He carries a blade wherever he goes because he worries it's going to happen again. He might just kill the next person who messes with him. That's why we try not to scare him. He's like a little brother to us. Plus he has a lot going on at home" Steve and Soda nodded. My eyes where wide. "Oh my God that terrible," I said. "I could say the same thing for you," Darry whispered. "What did you say Darry?" Steve asked. Darry shook his head. "I didn't say anything," Darry told him with a straight face.

I knew he was talking about me. It wasn't that hard to figure out. Only 10 minutes from meeting these people they already care about me. It's sweet. "So Coco," Steve said, "what are your parents like?" I kept a smile on my face but hesitated. "Uhm..." I said, trying to think on an answer. Then Darry got up and took the beer from my hand. "You need another one," he told me, "something a bit stronger." I laughed. "Ok." After a while we all started to talk about what everyone did. Darry had multiple jobs to support Soda and their younger brother Ponyboy. Soda dropped out of school to support Ponyboy also and works at DX with Steve.

It turns out they were the greaser boys in town. There was 7 of them. Darry, Dally, Ponyboy, Soda, Steve, Two-bit, and Johnny. As we talked more, they told me all the crazy stories on how Dally got arrested. For some reason it seemed like I knew dally. Like I've meat him before. Then Soda spoke up. "Hey Coco, have you ever thought about becoming a greaser?" He asked. I took a sp a beer and thought about it for a moment. "Well back is Austin, I was a part of some sort of a greaser gang. But the thought had crossed my mind," I told him. Then the boys all looked at eachother and Darry gave a nod to Soda. Then Soda looked back and me with a smirk on his face. "Do you want to join our gang?" He asked. My eyes widened. I was shocked. "Me join your gang?" I asked. He nodded. I looked back at Steve and Darry.

"Wait... your not kidding," I asked. Steve shrugged. "I mean I can tell you know how to take a beating," Darry said. I smiled. "I'm going to think about it," I told him. Then Darry looked at the clock on the wall. "Well I have to get going, see you later Coco," he said. I just nodded. Then when Darry closed the door I also looked at the clock. It was almost 6 o'clock. I started to silently panic. "Oh look at the time I got to go," I said between small breaths. As I got up so did Soda and Steve. "Come on me and Steve will take you home," Soda said, softly punching me on my shoulder. "You can't be to careful around these parts," he reminded me.

As we all started to walk we could see Darry walking a little bit ahead. I could tell he knew we wern't far behind because Soda just kept on talking and laughing. Then as we were walking, we saw the other greasers. Then after a while we heard a faint scream. "Soda, Darry," the voice called. Soda stopped dead in his tracks. So did Darry. "Ponyboy," Soda whispered. Then Darry, Soda, Steve and I all started running. When we turned the corner I saw it all right then and there. A guy — how I was guessing was Ponyboy— was getting jumped by Socs. "Hey!" Darry screamed. All the Soces turned around to look at us. Then the Soces ran like baby's. As we all ran after the Socs, Darry stayed behind to make use Pony was alright. We stopped in our tracks.

"Two-bit, Johnny, go left. Soda, Steve go right. We can cut them off that way." The tall one said. Then he looked at me. At that moment I guessed he was Dally because he had a look in his eyes like he knew what he was doing. "You and I were going in the middle. I hope you know how to jump fences?" He asked. I smirked then nodded. As we broke off we went in our directions. And like Dally said, we conerded them and cut them off. As we all met up, Dally looked at them. Then he started to cuss them out. "Now look here, I got to go see if the kids are ok. I'm going to let you guys go, but next time you're going to regret it." He said. As the Socs took off in their car, some of us decided to throw some rocks at them. I scratched a part of their car but they're just going to throw money at it.

When we saw Ponyboy, Soda healed down beside him and pulled out a handkerchief to clean up his wound. They all started to make small talk. They talked about how Dally got out of the cooler early. We all had to relax a bit. I could tell Ponyboy was a bit shaken up. Then Darry was hollering at Pony for walking alone without a blade. Then Soda yelled back about how Darry would be mad if he did carry a blade. Then Two-bit asked everyone if they could come to the movies with him. Steve said, "Me and Soda we-" "we are going to the game with Evie and Coco," Soda interrupted. I looked at him like he was out of his mind. I thought that was a way of him inviting me.
He just looked at me with a smirk. I just stared at him then shrugged.

Then Soda had a realization. "Hey Coco, don't you have to get home?" He asked. Then my eyes widen, trying to stay calm. "Yeah... I better get going," I told them. As all of them said bye I started to walk. Then Someone came up behind me. "Didn't want you to walk home alone," Soda said. I smirked. "Alrighty then," I said. After we walked a while we finally arrived at my house. Before we even walked on the property I just kept on staining at the house and then back at the drive way. My mother was home. "Aren't you going inside?" He asked. I sighed. "I'm just waiting out here for a while," I told him. Then he put his hand on my shoulder. "Come on, I will walk with you inside," Soda said.

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