Burning Church |chapter 14|

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We sat there in silence. We could hear kids and parents yelling. Some of the children were mesmerized by the fire. Others were just down right scared. Ponyboy hopped out of the car. I jumped out and stood in front of him. "What are you going to do, Ponyboy?" I said. "The church is burning," Pony said, pushing past me. I saw Johnny following him. I grabbed his arm. "Both of you are crazy," I said. "I would follow Pony anywhere. You know that," Johnny reminded me. I let go of his hand and he ran to Pony. Dally started to curse them out. "Why did you let them go?" Dally screamed.

"They made their choice, Dally. All we have to do is help," I said. I ran to the church. I started to cough. My chest started to hurt. There was so much ash flying everywhere. Then overheard the school teacher tell Dallas that Ponyboy and Johnny ran into the church to save some of the kids. I looked at Dally. His face was white. It seemed like all the color had drained from his skin. He looked at me with a blank expression.

"Johnny in the church," he said. We heard a piece of the church come down. I looked over to the side and Ponyboy and Johnny were getting the kids out. I grabbed Dally's hand and dragged him to the side of the church. As Dally was helping out children, I stood there making sure that the kids were getting back safely. But the more kids that came out, the slower that Ponyboy was handing them off. I started to get anxious. In a bit of a rage, I kicked down the broken boards and let myself in. Johnny looked at me with worry. "Coco, get out of here," Johnny said, handing off a kid. He started to cough. I grabbed one of the other kids and handed her to Dally. "I'm helping you. If you guys don't go faster your either going to kill yourself or the kids," I saiddetween gasps. We started to hand off the kids like wildfire. We were all coughing. When we were done, I helped Ponyboy out of the window. Then I was done, I looked at my hands.

I realized that Ponyboy's back was on fire and I just burned myself. I started to cough heavily. As I turned around to help Johnny out, I heard a big crash. I looked at Johnny. Then I realized. The plank from the roof was on Johnny. "JohnnyCake!' I screamed. I ran over to him and tried to lift the plank off. My arms were too weak. When I looked at then I had just noticed that my knee and arm were burned. "Dally, help!" I coughed. Few moments later, Dally was in, trying to help get the plank off of Johnny. Once we helped Johnny out my head started to feel dizzy. "Dally, I don't feel so good," I said drowsily. I started to rally on my knees. "Hey Coco, keep your eyes open. Please for me, for Sodapop," he said. I tried to smile, but it hurt too much. I started to cough. "Tell Soda..." I said. Dally got down on his knees to look at me. "Hey don't make that speech," he coughed. "'Tell Soda that" no. You can tell him in person." My vision started to blurry and then dark.

When I woke up and bright light greeted me. I started to cough again. "Where am I?" I managed to mumble. My vision started to improve. "You're awake," a voice said. I looked to see a nurse standing over me. "You are at a hospital. You and your friends have been in a bad accident," he explained. "How are they?" I coughed. "Hey, try not to talk. There's a lot of ash in your lungs," she said. I sat up. I pointed to the glass of water. She handed it to me and looked at my chart. I took a sip. "How are the boys?" I asked. She looked at me up and down to see if I was strong enough to handle whatever she was going to tell me. "The younger boy, Ponyboy I think, he's alright he just has a bit of smoke inhalation. The older one, Dallas, he burned his arm pretty bad so he has to stay here," she said. I looked at her. I started to have a bit of hope.
"What about Johnny?" I asked. Her eyes started to dark. I put my water down.

"Johnny's injuries are more severe... he was burned all over his body," she explained. I realized what she was trying to say. My smile quickly faded. I could feel a tear down my face. "So... he's not going to... make it," I said. She looked at me. "I'm not totally sure," she said. I wiped the tears away. The nurse came up beside my bed. She pulled off the covers. "In other news your right arm and knee have been burned but not too bad where we can keep you here," she said. She helped me up. "Come on. Let's try and walk." I started to stand up, but collapsed. The nurse held me up.

Everything seemed to go cold. As she helped me up, we started to walk out the door. "We're just walking to the waiting room to see your friend Ponyboy," she said. I smiled and nodded. It took a while but we finally made it to the waiting room. I and Ponyboy sitting down with ash all over his face. When he looked at me, his eyes became so bright. He sprung up and hugged me so tight, it seemed like I was going to stop breathing. When he let go, he looked at me up and down. "You look pretty beat up," Ponyboy said. "You look really dirty," I commented. We laughed. As we sat down Ponyboy asked about Johnny and Dally. I had to give him the cold hard truth. A bit later a doctor came over. "Ponyboy... there are some people here for you," he said, pointing to the hallway. As Ponyboy got up, we saw Darry and Sodapop enter. Pony immediately ran to Soda. They hugged for a bit then Pony went to hug Darry. Then when Soda looked up, we locked eyes. I started to slowly walk over. "Soda..." I said. I could feel a tear coming down my face. But I didn't bother to wipe it. Sodapop ran over to me. He picked up and spun me around so many times I was dizzy. When he put my back down, he put his forehead against mine. "You smell like ash," Soda laughed. I couldn't help but to laugh.

"You smell like oil," I replied. Soda and I went over to Darry and Ponyboy. We all hugged and I could tell all of us were crying at this point. When we broke out of the hug Soda put an arm around me for support. "Come on. Let's sign both of you out and get going," Sodapop said. As we checked ourselves out, we started to walk to the car. But we were greeted by the paparazzi. Even though there weren't many of them, it still felt overwhelming. As Ponyboy and I stood behind Darry and Sodapop. Ponyboy and I looked at eachother. After a while Pony and I exchanged glances. We finally stepped forward. Everyone was flying questions at us. Soda kept on yelling at them to slow down. After an hour of questions they took a picture of all four of us for the paper. It was dark by then and I was really tired. As Darry drove, I sat in the back with Soda and Pony. Soda sat in the middle and Pony was resting his head on Soda's lap.

I rested my head on his shoulder. "Hey Soda..." I whispered. He looked at me and kissed me on the forehead. "Yes cutie?" He whispered back. "Did you miss me?" I asked. He looked at me as if I just said the most ridiculous thing ever. "Of course I did. Why wouldn't I?" Soda said. I just shrugged. He put his arm around me and he put his head on mine. Then he whispered in my ear, "I would miss you even if you were in the other room." I started to blush. A while later, we finally arrived at the house. And right when Soda and I got to bed, we were out like a light.

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