Three Words... |chapter 22|

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A few days had passed by. Ponyboy was finally feeling better. The trial had passed by as well. They didn't ask anything about the murder because he was still incoherent. But two days ago Ponyboy finally started feeling better again. Darry and Soda finally stopped hovering over him for the most part. Two-bit and Steve were still their happy ghoulish selves unless they brought sad memories they were trying to suppress of Dally and Johnny.

I started to pack a small backpack. Extra clothes, one of the two swin suites I owned, and a towel. I put on my other swin suit and put clothes over it to hide that I was wearing it. They knew we were going somewhere with water like a lake or a beach but they didn't know exactly where. I threw my stuff into the trunk of Darry's truck, I turned around to see Darry standing on the porch with a cup of coffee in hand.
"You're coming with us," I demanded, heading back into the house.

"No I'm not. This is your plan not mine," he said, sipping his coffee. "I'm not going." "Oh yes you are," I corrected him, taking some chocolate cake out of the fridge. "For one we're taking your truck. For two I want it to be a surprise of where we're going. If you don't care that much about where we're going then drive us there. And three I don't think you should trust me with your truck anyways."

He gave a sigh before setting his coffee down next to the new freshly cut cake. "Fine. All drive you. Where are we going?" "To the lake a little bit outside town. I think it's named the Sunset Dock House. A lot of people say it's nice." "Oh yeah I've heard of that place. I'll take you but you've got to make dinner for the next week." "Deal. And I'll pay for the whole tank of gas." "That will be greatly appreciated."

Later on that day, I made lunches for everyone and piled them into the truck. For the next two hours, we sang, slept, ate, and kissed, right up into the moment we arrived at the lake. I didn't waste any time taking off my clothes and jumping into the water. "Oh my God it's cold," I screamed. Before I could even take a full gust of air, Soda jumped in, nearly hitting me.

"Sodapop," I giggled, splashing water in his face. "Oh you wanna play that game?" He chuckled, slightly swimming over and pulling me in by the waist. I laughed as I tried to fight him off but he had his grip on me tight. "Sodapop let me go!" "Not until you kiss me!" "Fine!" Without a single thought, I grabbed his face and started to kiss him.

"Ew! Get a room, you too!" I heard Ponyboy yell from the dock. "You're just jealous," I teased, slaying water onto him. I could see from behind that Two-bit was behind him, trying to do something scandalous. But before I could warn Ponyboy, Two-bit had already pushed him into the water.

"What the hell?!" Pony screamed, once he came up for air. Two-bit started to laugh so hard, he fell in the water as well. Which made us all laugh. Two-bit always made us laugh. Even if it was purpose or accident.

As we sat in the banks on the lake, I leaned my head against his shoulder. Water was still dripping down from his messy hair and his red swim trunks. My hair was completely drenched while the rest of my body was completely dry. We watched the sunset over the lake, Two-bit on Steve's shoulders as Ponyboy on Darry's shoulders. They were trying to do chicken fights but it was hard to root for the underdog when it's a 14 year old fighting against a 18 ½ year old.

Soda kept on laughing anytime Ponyboy hit the water from falling. He barely talked to me since we sat up on the shore line together. My stomach started to drop as I got a  bit scared of that he was thinking. Did he not like the early birthday gift? But then the few words I thought would never come out of his mouth slipped out like a waterfall.

"I love you Coco. More than you even know," he admitted. "Soda..." I said, lifting my head from his shoulder. "I know it was too early," he started regretting, smacking his palm upside his head. I grabbed his hand before he could do any serious damage. "Sodapop Patrick Curtis. I love you too... and that movie star smile of yours," I reassured him, kissing him passionately upon the lips. Soda really loved me.

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