Bloodly Memories |chapter 3|

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I looked at him with a straight face. "Do you really want to walk inside? I don't know if you are ready for what my mom will bring," I said.

He nodded. I walked up to the front porch and opened the door. I could hear laughing then a crash. Suddenly I saw my mother stumbling out of her room. "Oh hey baby, I didn't know you were bringing a friend over," she said. I looked away, a fear of shedding a tear. "Did you bring home someone new?" I asked. Soda could tell what was going on now. "Mom, can you like... not be high once in your life?" I asked. My mom started to stumble over. Her hair was all frizzled up and she smelled of beer and coke. "So who is this fine young man?" My mom asked. "I'm Sodapop Curtis ma'am," he said. I looked at Soda. "Hey I will see you tomorrow at the game. I will stop by your house before lunch," I said. He nodded. "Yeah, I'll see you then," he responded.
As Soda walked out the door, my mother looked back at me. "So... are you too a thing?" She asked. She started to put her arm around me. I took it off. "I just want to go to my room," I told her. Then I walked away and slammed the door to my room. I rummaged through my things to find my blade. Then I remembered I put it in my bag. I opened it up. I pulled out my blade and flicked it open. I put my back against the door and looked at it. A tear started to roll down my face. I placed the blade on the floor and rolled up my pants leg on my left leg. I picked the blade up again and held it to my ankle. I was gazing at the other scars, thinking about it. Then I started to think about the new gang and Soda. Then just for a second I thought about how they would feel if they knew I was doing this. I just shook my head.

I placed the blade on my skin and pressed it firm and slid it across my ankle. Blood started to drip on the floor. I made another cut. More tears started to run down my face. I moved on to my arm. As I made more cuts, I heard someone knock on the door. I quickly put away the blade, put a wrap on my arm and opened the door slightly. "What is it?" I asked. My mother just looked at me. "I'm sorry I scared your boyfriend away," she said. I looked at her up and down. The only thing she had on was a robe and slippers. "He's not my boyfriend," I said sternly. "Pumkin, I hate when you're mad at me," she said with sad eyes. I started to get mad and raise my voice a bit. "Well you don't really care anyways. You bring home random men and you sleep with them. You drink, you do drugs, you sleep with guys who aren't dad. Of course I don't hate you," I said. "Pumkin," she began. But I just slammed the door in her face and locked it.

I lifted the bandage from my ankle and then put it back on. I got the blade out again and made a few slits on my arm before putting a bandage on it. For the rest of the day I just sat on my bed doing nothing. Staring at the ceiling, watching the fan spin around and round. Watching the fan seemed kind of comforting. Cold air, giving me the chills. It was hard to think that something so simple can do something so... helpful.

I could remember one time when we lived back in Austin. I was about 12 going on 13. The wind was blowing, the sun was out. It seemed like the perfect day to go to the beach. Not too hot. Not too cold. I was playing out in the yard with my next door neighbor. Catch. It was my favorite game. He was 6 months older than me and it was almost my birthday. We were talking about how big and special my party was going to be. We talked and laughed for hours. But then suddenly his mother came. She was angry. I remember her grabbing his arm and yelling at him. "COME ON MARK, WERE LEAVING!" She said. I still remember my trembling legs. I was so scared something might have happened.

I just dropped the baseball out of fear. I wanted to yell back but my lips wouldn't move. I just ran into the house after that. The next day, I found out that he and his mother moved away. It turns out his father was cheating on his mother and sold the house. After that day I never saw him again. No birthday card. No call. Nothing. He was the only friend I've ever had. I mean he was gone, just like that. No warning, no goodbye. My father just kept on saying, "Suck it up. You don't need friends." It was hard to believe that at the time. I was vulnerable and lonely. Back then it was hard to accept anything my parents said. I still wonder what Mark is up to today.

It's unbelievable how much your life can change in an instant. Your friend gets taken away. One yell turns into a million slaps. Moving away for no reason. Already being an outcast from the start. One small change can affect your whole life. One minute you're cleaning blood off of the floor, the next you can go to a gas station and meet someone new. Then getting invited to his house to meet his friends and then the rest of his gang. With his dark gold hair — with a little bit of grease in it—. His dark brown eyes. Always has a grin on his face that will always make you smile. I have barely known this man for less than 48 hours and I'm thinking about him as a handsome movie star.

As I thought more about this I realized that this man, these people, are going to change the rest of my life. Even though I have only met most of the guys for a short amount of time, I could tell a lot about them. Steve likes working on cars. Him and Soda were best friends since they could remember. Johnny was the baby of the group. He has it rough at home and it showed. I would tell he was terrified around the Socs, well after what they did to him. Sodapop was the happiest person I have ever met. He got all the girls' attention. Socs and Greasers. He did have an ex. Sandy, but he thought they weren't meant for eachother anymore. Darry is tough. I don't know much about him. It doesn't seem like he has a personality at all. Dally was a JD. It showed. He was tuff and he was tense. I could tell he got put in the cooler at a young age. No one that tuff and tense would ever act like that if he did get up in there before he was a teenager. Two-bit always likes to crack jokes. Even in bad situations. I could tell he was an optimist and a "glass half full" kind of guy. Ponyboy is a smart kid. Smarter than I was at his age. I could tell he didn't like most of the greaser members. But he respected most of them. I could tell that Darry was tough on him. I mean look at their situation.

Now I just wish I could do something about it. Just to lessen the pain just a bit.

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