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Mmmm- ok I just found out abt the focus thing on the iphone- and it is way too much fun- I have so many ideas for it-

Currently making a Skephalo one lol- :DD

Ehe- I sound like a creep wait- no- um- 

Let's just start yes yes because yes. 

But like- send help idk I feel very loopy for some reason- I can't think- I just- I don't know- but OK BUT IN THE FIRST BOOK IN FRONT OF THE EPILOGUE THERE WAS BARELY AN INTRO- SO LET'S COPY THAT FOR CONSISTENCY-

So hello everyone! ^-^

Wheee here we go- 

1 month later...

Silence. That was all he really wanted sometimes. 

Was that too much to ask?

"POOOONK?" A loud yell rang through the hallway, startling the male sitting in his locked room. "WHERE ARE MY HEADPHONES?"

"WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I HAVE THEM?" Was the short male's reply, also muffled from the outside. Skeppy sighed, attempting to block out the noise and pressed his closed eyes tighter as he heard Hannah's heels clack against the ground, running past his door. 

"ANT SAYS HE SAW YOU WITH THEM!" She shouted, almost right in front of his room. 

"WELL ANT'S A LIAR!" Another annoyed huff. 

"I HEARD THAT!" Great, now Ant was in the mix. Skeppy groaned, pressing his hands to his head and began massaging his temples as the noise kept piling up.

Having trouble?  A quiet voice in the back of his mind asked. Y'know, focusing? I- we can hear the annoyance in your head.

Gee, I wonder why. Skeppy rolled his eyes, knowing well that Velvet would see that. 

They would probably help you if you asked. Velvet proposed. 

I don't need help silencing them, I can do it myself. Skeppy thought bitterly. 

Not in any way that the egg likes. Skeppy frowned. But I'm not talking about silencing them. And you know that. They knew you the longest, besides your other option which isn't available right now. 

What, and you think they liked me? They rarely talk to me now in their conscious mind, I don't think they talked to me before. Skeppy sighed. He began drawing shapes with his finger in the red carpet underneath him. 

A pause. Skeppy knows it's because he's right. Well, to be fair, you're not exactly the friendliest with them. The last time you were your normal self  they seemed to make themselves forget. A noise of disapproval. Not from Velvet, but the egg. Skeppy made a matching one, for different reasons he knows. What'cha drawing?

I don't know. Skeppy admitted, looking at the symbols he drew out several times. I see it in my dreams, in my meditations. I want to know what it means. 

It's not english if you're curious. Or any human dialect I know of. That made Skeppy feel a little bit better. He had forgotten somethings, at least basic writing hadn't been one of them. Hm. The egg seems to recognize it. 


Hm.. not sure it says.. needs more examination. Skeppy sighed, and propped his elbow on his knees, leaning his face on his fists. That's okay. I'll wait here. Another period of silence in his mind, the yelling now turned to playful teasing and laughter still running strong outside. Skeppy huffed. Can I get soundproof walls?

Don't Forget Me... - A Velvetfrost and Eggpire StoryWhere stories live. Discover now