Chapter 25

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Happy late Halloween! :D

IM NOT FINISHED WATCHING THE EGGPIRE FINALE BUT GUYS PLS GIVE ME SPOILERS I NEED THEM- :')) I plan to watch the full stream soon I just want spoilers now-/nf

ANYWAYS- This book is crap.

Someday I'm gonna rewrite this book and 'What About Me?' To make more sense and have a fuller feeling of a book because there are so many plotholes and I keep finding and realizing more so yeah-

Current plothole I'm obsessing over: How is BBH dead. I'm a hardcore believer in BBH can't die until Skeppy loses a life. How is BBH dead. HOW IS SKEPPY EVEN DEAD? IT'S STILL THE 3 LIVES THING AS SAID EARLIER BUT HOW ARE THEY DEAD? WHEN? WHAT DA HECK.

Moving on-

Another quick shout out to just_a-nOrmal_Person for reading  and commenting even when no one would :](not meant to be ungrateful for the support you guys have been giving tho, it's all appreciated ^-^) Tysm for the support! Ly/p <3

Also to Notunbreakable for reading and overall being a great friend :] Sorry for calling you old lol- go read their books! They're all really good, a lot better than these lol

Ok here we go! This story is all dead and makes no sense and plot climbs still don't make sense- but- I have ideas for a small chapter and it's gonna be cute and like I said- this book makes no sense-

(I'm honestly so frustrated but whatever! I need to stop ranting here abt it! Fr this time haha!(sorry guys- :[))

The sound of a sharp blade being sharpened against a hard rock had been ringing through their home for the  past few hours, different blades of different weapons being pressed against the material. Ant placed down the axe he currently held in his paws, placing it down with the other materials on his right. He rubbed a sleeve over his forehead, wiping away the sweat that built up.

He had been sitting on a small wooden crate in the foyer, collecting and preparing items for the possibly upcoming journey. Halo was searching for the the gems that apparently repressed Foolish's powers, and if the egg was using the immortal's powers, these gems might be exactly what they need to stop them.

It was very much like a stupid children's tale but if it  works, it works.

Well, he's not sure if it works or what'll it do. But chances are, at least the power from the egg might be reduced. Best bet he had right now to stop it. 

And have everything return to normal.

He placed everything he assumed he needed into a pouch(special pouch, works more like a mc inventory), weapons, potions, some blocks, and food. After some debate, he decided not to bring some of Red's rods of TNT. He didn't quite know how to use them, and he didn't want to kill anyone.

Ant let out a little huff, looking at the door, expecting Halo, or really anyone, to walk in soon. When no one did, his eyes wandered the homey room, the only light source being the warm shine of the sun setting somewhere far off. 

Then, they landed on an object that caught the sun's beams, reflecting it into his eye from a certain tilt of his head. 

The shard. 

There was no string attached to this one, Red simply stuffing it in his pockets before giving it to Ant. Ant hasn't touched it since that night, leaving it on the counter. It's not like he needed it; the egg won't interfere with his thoughts on Red's behalf. Plus, he didn't particularly have any thoughts he felt the need to hide right now. 

Don't Forget Me... - A Velvetfrost and Eggpire StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora