"I can hear your heartbeat, sweetheart. Don't pretend you aren't scared..." Gwi-nam teases as you groan knowing he's right. You shuffle your feet but Gwi-nam remains in position. The blood around his mouth smudged on your face and neck

"I know you. I said it many times before. Your the bullies' gopher." Cheong-san speaks up as Gwi-nam inches closer to them in quick movements making you almost stumble over if it weren't for the painfully tight grip Gwi-nam had on you.

"If you call me that again, i'll kill you." Gwi-nam threatens as he glares at Cheong-san.

"You weren't a gangster and you weren't a good student. And now you're not a human and you're not a zombie either. No matter the time or place...you're nothing." Cheong-san states bravely as you feel his grip tightening more due to anger

"I won't just kill you. I'll gouge out both of your eyes and feed your blind ass to the zombies. Oh, yeah. Everyone but Y/n and Cheong-san, can go. Unless you wanna die with him...i'm keeping Y/n for myself...as she belongs with me." Gwi-nam announces as he goes down to your neck once again kissing it and licking the spot yet this time was a more sensitive spot but you still stand your ground

"Okay, you got a licking and eye kink. Noted" You mumble as Gwi-nam tightens his grip around your waist as he knows if he tightens his grip around your throat anymore it'll snap. Gwi-nam looks around to see none of the group has moved an inch meaning they'll stay and fight him.

"You're all dead...I suggest you grab onto something, love..." Gwi-nam whispers to you

"What?" You question but he doesn't answer as he throws you over the edge of the roof. Luckily enough you were fast enough to grab the ledge and hold yourself up stopping you from falling to your death.

"Let's go tie him."

The group all charge at him but he easily manages to throw them off and punch Cheong-san to the ground. Su-hyeok rushes over to you grabbing your wrist and help pulling you up back onto the roof top. You breathe heavily but you don't have time as you see Gwi-nam completely destroying Cheong-san. You notice Joon-yeong's glasses have been broken during the fight but that's something you can worry about later

You watch Cheong-san get kicked around. You and Su-hyeok grab a piece of wood each and run towards Gwi-nam smashing it against his back which surprisingly made him stumble a bit. He swiftly turned round to you both glaring at Su-hyeok as Su-hyeok tried to go in for a second attack only to be stopped and grabbed by the throat. You run up trying to pull Gwi-nam away but he grabs your throat with his other hand putting you in the same situation as Su-hyeok

"You just don't like catching the breaks I give you, do you Princess?" Gwi-nam mutters to you as he pulls you closer.

"Go to hell" You hiss out jumping and wrapping your legs around Gwi-nam's waist then using your body weight to twist him to the side making him let go of Su-hyeok you then jump off him kicking him in the torso now making him let go of you but also sending you flying to the ground but to your surprise you land on Su-hyeok so it wasn't a horrific landing

Gwi-nam's back bends as he looks like he's participating in doing the limbo. He then snaps his bones back together as he straightens his posture. You and Su-hyeok still on the ground groaning and coughing. You scramble up on your feet and punch Gwi-nam in jaw making him spit blood yet his head doesn't move he just stands there amused. You then kick him but he just bends down and your leg gets caught in his neck. You try snap his neck by adding pressure but he grabs your leg throwing you into a metal chair

"Just know, if I hurt you now, i'll fix you up later, darling." Gwi-nam assures you as you stand up once again. You charge at Gwi-nam once again but he wraps an arm around your waist turning you round and pressing his front against your back. All of a sudden he stumbles a tiny bit forward. His head turns back to spot Nam-ra with the same look she had before when she threw him on the blue tart. He grabs Nam-ra's neck with his unoccupied hand then lets go of your waist to punch her in the face making her fall the ground.

You kick him in the stomach then blocking Nam-ra as he looks at her. His eyes dart back to you and his grin only widens as if he's enjoying your countless efforts of trying to stop him. Normally you'd think he'd get annoyed of it but the way he looks he seems he could go all day and night. But your body was getting tired each second you fought him. He turns away from you and Nam-ra and you grab his arm pulling him back so Nam-ra could stab a piece of wood into his leg. You let go as he turns round to see what had been jabbed into his leg

He glared at Nam-ra with white-hot hatred. Gwi-nam grabbed your neck pulling you into him then trying to swing for Nam-ra to stab her with the same wooden piece she used to stab him, luckily she caught his arm. She also grabbed your elbow trying to pull you away from him but Gwi-nam got even more infuriated at that action

"Let go. Let go!" Gwi-nam yelled as he kicked and punched her while trying to keep you with him. He dragged her practically around the entire roof trying to get her off you but her stubbornness and strength refused to let go

"You let go!" You yell back punching Gwi-nam in the jaw as he spat blood out his mouth. He kept a tight grip on you trying to get Nam-ra off you who refused to let go. You also added your own strength trying to get Gwi-nam off you. Eventually he managed to throw her off you and he picked her up off the floor by her clothing he inspects her face before grinning

"You smell nice, huh. You and me are on the same side. Smell me. Yeah, come on." Gwi-nam whispers as Nam-ra slaps him in the face. But he grabs her again pulling her close to his neck while separating the both of you. He had his hand that wasn't holding Nam-ra on the back of your head pushing you into his neck so you couldn't see any openings to get out

"Fuck off." She whispers back grabbing his hair and throwing him to the ground. Nam-ra grabbed you so you stayed with her as he tumbled to the floor. As he got up you saw an opening to kick him as well as Su-hyeok so you both charged together kicking him but he grabbed yours and Su-hyeok necks again almost pushing you over the edge if it wasn't for Nam-ra's quick thinking. She grabbed the back of his clothes and lifted him in the air before throwing him over the rooftop. 

You and Su-hyeok gripped onto each other for support as you watched Gwi-nam fall straight down onto the floor with a loud thud. The only sounds that could be heard was heavy breathing

"He better be dead this time. I'm getting sick of his ass" You scowl angrily as you pant. Everyone was complaining about there own pain as you wiped your neck having his salvia and someone else's fresh blood all over it which you grimaced at. Everyones reassuring everyone and checking on each other.

I didn't expect this fighting part to be this long but yk. Life goes on. Plus this was like one of my favourite scenes plus the library scene. Gwi-nam just adds more tension to stuff, and I love that.

Word count: 2063

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