𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞-𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓

Start from the beginning




Aiyla screamed through her teeth, notching another arrow and raising her bow.




The bow began to shake in her hands.




She lowered the shaking bow, throwing it to the forest floor in frustration.

Aiyla gave a roar of anger, screwing her eyes shut to stop them from welling up with tears. She tangled her hands in her hair, pulling it as she fell to her knees.

She hit the ground, crying out in frustration as she did so.

She couldn't even shoot a simple arrow without her mind flashing back to 10 years ago.

Her mind flashing back to being left alone in a dormitory in Adron Hall on a Parent's Weekend.... Alone with her brother's best friend.

Aiyla screamed again, hitting the forest floor repeatedly, "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!"

She stayed there, losing her mind, for another two hours.

Until Aiyla Demir finally managed to find the strength to stand up, grab her archery equipment and begin to walk to somewhere she knew she'd be safe.

Xavier was in the middle of painting Aiyla when the aforementioned girl walked into the art studio and straight into his chest.

He frowned, "What happened?"


He stood there, not knowing what to do for a moment, before he began to run his hands through her hair. 

How was it possible that he still made her breath hitch and her skin spark? That he made her weak.

"You make me weak," Aiyla said again, "I can't afford to be weak."

Xavier bit the inside of his cheek, "Why not?"

Aiyla chuckled, "Because I want to stay alive."

"Ahh," Xavier smirked and twirled a curl of her hair in his fingers, "I forgot that my sweet gazelle isn't sweet at all. You have to kill and fight to make it, don't you."

Aiyla looked up at him, a hint of mischievousness in her eyes, "Another reason why being with me is a bad idea." She let her hands travel up his chest and to his shoulders which she could barely reach. She kicked him in the shin lightly, "Oi! Lean down, I can't reach."

Xavier laughed and flicked her in the forehead, "You're so short!"

"You're too tall!" she hissed. "Now lean down before I punch you in the gut."

Xavier adhered to the threat even though he knew she would never hurt him. Now that he was reachable, she tangled her hands in his brown hair, playing with it.

"I like your hair."

"You say that every day."

Aiyla rolled her eyes, and didn't dignify his observation with a reply - almost as if she thought his hair was gorgeous enough that it deserved to be constantly praised.

She pulled him closer, until they were inches apart, breathing heavily and eyes flickering to each others lips.

Aiyla halted, her sudden confidence ebbing away.

Xavier saw this.

He let his hand travel up her waist, causing her breath to hitch. And his eyes flitted to her lips. "Can I?" Xavier breathed out.

Aiyla gave a shaky nod.

Her eyes fluttered close as Xavier's lips pressed against hers, releasing an explosion of sparks and colour and life. 

Kissing Xavier Thorpe was like being shielded from the world in a bubble of pure ecstasy and ethereal wisps; it was an intoxicating rush of euphoria. 

If Aiyla could have gotten drunk on the feeling of Xaver's lips, she would.

And then they broke away gasping for air and keeping their eyes closed, trying to savour the moment for just a little bit longer.

Aiyla stood there, her forehead against his and her hand's tangled in his hair for a few more moments before Xavier whined, "My back is starting to hurt."

Aiyla laughed.

He straightened up and she was forced to let go of him. He looked down at her, rubbing his neck, "I need to get you a stepping stool so you can reach me."

Aiyla shoved his arm and swore at him in a language he couldn't understand. Most likely Turkish.

Xavier grinned,  dragging her other towards the wall, "Come on." He sat down on the floor, pulling her down with him, so that she could lean against his chest, his arm around her.

He could almost feel her blushing.

They sat there eyes closed, just enjoying the other's presence, when Xavier suddenly said, "I didn't dream of it, that night."


Aiyla looked up at him with a perplexed stare, but Xavier had his head leaning against the wall, his eyes closed.

"The night of the Rave'N, when you fell asleep beside me, I didn't dream of the monster," Xavier admitted, "I dreamt of you."

Aiyla smirked, "What kind of dream?"

Xavier glared at her and frowned, "Not that kind of dream, you dirty bitch."

She rolled her eyes, the hint of a smile on her face, "Just making sure."

Xavier shook his head in amusement, "The point is, I think you calm down my powers too."

"That's dangerous."

"If it means I get to have you, I don't care."

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