being kidnapped is tough

150 8 3

The hand let go roughly. Error focused on his breathing, trying to calm the glitches that covered his vision.
His eyesight returned painfully slow but came back nonetheless. The adrenaline wore out and his whole body felt in agony. Error winced and quickly studied his surroundings.
He was met with a jail-like room.

Floor was cold concrete and so were the walls. There was a bed to the side in the corner. It was surprisingly big; for a cell. Though, nothing was there other than him, and some other sanses.

He took a deep breath, which he flinched after the pain in his soul shot through his body.
The feeling was horrible. Probably one of the worst pains he's ever felt.

Error repositioned himself onto his knees, the chains rubbing against his open wounds. Tears threatened at his eyes but he stopped them immediately.

There were three sanses in front of him. Ink, who was in front of them, dream, and swap.

The star idiots

Jeez, Error half thought swap was going to puke at Error's bloody state. He looked horrified and nervous at the same time.
Dream looked uneasy and kept glancing at ink, as if not knowing what to do.
Ink. Had a cruel satisfaction on his face.

Error felt his sins crawling on his back. He was in danger. Like, real danger. And he felt it.

"maybe we should take the chains off-- it doesn't look like he's going anywhere.." Dream spoke through the silence.

"Hm" ink, with a swift hand movement, practically erased the chains. It melted into purple paint and evaporated.
Error looked down, Handcuffs were all that remained.
He shifted, trying to bring the cuffs closer to inspect them.
Though immediately decided against it when his whole body felt like shattering.

he collapsed, his hands on the ground to hold himself up.
Errors body stiffened.
"God-.. damnit.." Error's 'throat' burned and he coughed up blood. He covered his mouth and positioned himself against the wall.

Swap almost ran to error, if it wasn't for ink holding his hand out, blocking the skeleton. Ink had a new, unreadable expression.
Error weakly looked up at them.
Everything hurt. his soul was practically in pieces; still bleeding infinitely.

Error wondered if he asked for help, would they give it to him?
Can't they see how much pain he's in?
They have to, right?

Its obvious Error hurts. So much.
He shut his eye sockets tight.
He attempted to distract himself from the torturous pain that engulfed him.
Slowly, his eyes opened once again.

"ink.. We need to help him." Swap looked to Error and back at ink.
"If he can cause pain, he can deal with a little himself." The dumbass ink blob replied sternly at swap.

"But look at him!" Swap gestured to the bleeding skeleton.
Dont they know error can hear them?
He's in pure agonizing pain, not deaf.

Ink sighed. His ferce expression changed to a sick smile.
"Hmm only if he wants help"

Error grumbled in pain, pushing himself up. He coughed violently a few times before looking up at ink with squinted eyes.

"Do you want help Error?" Ink smiled and looked down to the helpless skele.
Error opened his mouth but closed it painfully.
His throat felt on fire. The sting of blood and bile rising.

"Hm?" Ink hummed.
"I.. Please.." Error managed to whisper out words before having to swallow the rise of blood. He felt like he was going to vomit.

"please what?" Ink kneeled down to Error's level. The glitch hated this. Ink knew it too. Error hated being so helpless. He hated relying on his enemy for any help.
Especially since ink was the one who caused all this pain.

Error had tears burning in his eyes and the other saw it.
"help.. Pleas-" The glitch was caught in a coughing fit, not able to finish.
Blood was everywhere now, due to the coughing it up, and bleeding from his bones.

"Hmm guess you don't want help." Ink smiled and stood up.

"hey dream..?" Swap wispered to the gold skeleton.
"uh.. yeah blue, what's up..?" dream tried to smile but the negative energy coming from error was making him sick.
"Can you get me back to underswap please?" Dream nodded almost immediately. They both needed out of there asap.
Dream teleported away just in time.

A bone suddenly rose from the ground, striking Error in the spine.
His deafening screams echoed from the cell walls.
The bone retracted into nothingness and left error to go practicing limp against the wall for a moment.
The glitched skeleton looked up at ink in a pleading manner.

Another bone struck error in the femur. A sickening snap was heard. he jolted forward and covered his mouth, forcing another scream down. He resisted against the handcuffs, but he remained restricted.

"ACk- Ink.." Error's vision was getting blurred from blood loss and soul damage. he wanted to plead for the pain to stop.
He would resort to begging but he didn't have the strength to even finish a sentence.
Tears were clogging his eyes and he couldn't stop them anymore.

Tears with a magic blue hue ran down the destroyer's face. Ink had never seen error cry.

The bone retracted into the floor like the other.
Ink stood in silence watching Error sob and scream in pain.
The crying slowly went silent.

Error kept his eyes fixed onto the floor. his hands over his chest where his soul is located. His hand gripped the fabric, bloodied and torn. he could feel himself trembling.

A portal sound was heard but error didn't look up till he heard a familiar voice.

The sound of nightmare's voice boomed and echoed in the empty room.

"what needed to be done." Ink glared at nightmare, ink's eyes have gone white and almost completely emotionless.

A tentacle shot into ink and pinned him on the wall.
Error couldn't hear what they were saying, but it sounded like they were arguing.

He relaxed slightly knowing nightmare was present.
He felt secure? It was strange.
A pain shot through him and he was reminded of the agonizing pain he was in.

Error felt something gently wrap around his torso. He looked up to see one of nightmare's tentacles grasping him. it was wary of his injuries.
Error looked up, fatigued from pain and blood loss.

Nightmare took his tentacle close. His face changed to a sorrowful expression when he saw the other's injuries.
"Its okay Error, your safe."

Error closed his eyes, finding comfort in Nightmare's aura and words.
The shadows closed in on him. he couldn't stay conscious. A portal sounded and Error passed out.


1128 words

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