Body-Dream x Dust(smut)

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{My first lemon yall! Let's see if it's good. Also, this may have a part two consisting of Dream, Nightmare, and Dust talking. Only if I think people really want it tho.}

    Dust was always curious when it comes to people’s magic. There’s a certain natural form to it all, and a feel that’s unique to every person.

    Killer’s feels sorta like a shock at first, a jolt that’s felt when you have static electricity and touch metal. 

    Cross is lean, muscles seen in the pseudo flesh. He feels soft as velvet, yet firm at the same time.

    Horror is skinny, rough in places. But the gentleness that radiates off of him calms down anyone around.

    And lord knows that the boss is…well endowed when it comes to certain things. Everything seeming so plush and soft, yet the power that can be felt just by touching him is astounding.

    Dust figured that, all things considered, his curiosity was perfectly fine. With how Nightmare is, it stands to reason that Dream would be the same. But, as a former scientist, Dust knows that a hypothesis can be incorrect.

    So, like any good scientist, Dust will figure it out in the field. And, as the saying goes, no time like the present.

    “Hey Dream,” he said, looking up from his phone to observe the glowing skeleton on the couch. Dream jumped at the sound of his voice, looking back at him with wide sockets.

    “Um. Yes Dust?” 

    Always polite. Dust smirked. “Just wanted to know s’mthin.”

    Dream tilted his head to the side, marking his page as he closed his book. “What is it?”

    “You ever slept with someone?”

    Dream seemed stunned at the bluntness of the question. Dust didn’t mind. He never was one to beat around the bush.

    “I mean,” Dream started, blush glowing as brightly as himself. “Yes. Only a couple of times, but yes I have. Why do you wish to know?”

    “To see if you would understand when I ask you if you wanna fuck. So. Wanna fuck?”

    Dream just started burning even brighter, struggling to get a word out in response. Dust just waited patiently for the glowing skeleton to answer.

    “If…if you really want to do it with me of all people, then…yes.”

    “Why say it like that?” Dust asked. Dream had phrased it as if Dust shouldn’t want to do it with him.

    “It’s just…nobody usually wants to do it. Not that I’ve seen at least. The only people who did want to were the people I didn’t want. But like I said, if you’re sure, then we can do it.”

    Dust knew this was something to be addressed later. Preferably with blankets and candy on standby in case it got emotional. But for now, he was just gonna go through with his original plan.

    “Sweet. We can head to my room now. Boss won’t bother us and the others are on a mission so we’re good.”

    Dream nodded, setting his book to the side and following Dust out of the living room. The two journeyed in silence until they got to Dust’s room, where he let them both in, locking the door behind himself.

    “So sunshine.” Dream’s head snapped up, blush and glow both being much more visible in the darkened room.

    “You ready to have some fun?” 

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