Chapter 16 - Everyone's To Blame

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Ezra wiped his brow as the last of the souls were counted, categorized, and guided through the core. He looked over at Rhia and his heart clenched. The metal ring around her glowing third eye was cracked and sweat beaded on her forehead as she shook like a withered leaf.

"Ezra," she whispered, reaching for him as she stumbled away from the core.

"I'm here," he said, catching her in his arms. "Animum quiesce, stamina solve, puella," Ezra said, whispering a calming spell over her before he scooped her up in his arms. Holding his hand over her forehead, Ezra reformed and strengthened the ring around Rhia's eye to quell the immense energy from the core surging through her body. "I'm so sorry."

Rhia sucked in a breath as the brilliant pulsing glow of her eye dimmed and her drawn features softened. "Did we help all the souls?" she murmured, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pressing her face into his neck. "Are the demons okay?"

"Everyone is fine," he said, brushing his thumb over her damp cheek. "You need to rest now."

"No, I wanted to meet...the demons," she mumbled as her body fell limp in his arms, succumbing to the exhaustion that riddled her body.

"Oh dear, is she alright?" Jin said, floating over to them from the crowd of demons gathering around them. "She handled calming and guiding the souls well for only gaining her magic a few days ago."

"And why would you think she'd be any different?" Gia said, floating out of the core. "She may have a new name, but she's still my daughter."

"Oh, I meant no disrespect, your Divineness," Jin said, bowing to her.

"Mm, none taken," she said, flicking her gaze to Ezra. "I'm sure after that display of death you know the cloaking spell has run its course."

"Yes, I'm well aware." Ezra sighed, nodding to Jin. "Put together a group of stygian demons, including yourself, to travel to the surface and meet me in the observatory."

"Yes, sir," Jin said, bowing her head as she whisked off to do as she was told.

Gia shook her head as she followed him up to the balcony overlooking the core. "Rhia doesn't need a guard of demons to look out for her."

"The demons aren't for her," he said, slipping through a pair of thick black drapes to a small cove and lying Rhia on the bed of soft plush cushions. "They're for her residents. The minute we go back to the surface, Godiran will feel her presence and she'll need to concentrate on him without worrying about protecting her family."

"I see," Gia said, floating around him to fill the nook with a calming lavender scent. "So, after all these years, you have learned how to look after my daughter."

"Yes," he said, tucking a blanket around Rhia. "And I took your advice and told her everything again."

"I know," she said, crossing her arms. "That's what broke the cloaking spell. I would've told you both, but you were getting... reacquainted."

"I had a feeling that's what happened." Ezra sighed and pressed a kiss to Rhia's forehead. "That didn't take him long to feel her," he said, standing. "And you closed all the gates, right?"

"I did." Gia nodded as she followed him out of the nook and closed the drapes behind her. "Godiran's going to know you're hiding her now. Those souls came from every gate you've used in the past, except the ones near the coven house and Rhia's residence."

"I'm sure that has everything to do with the Sedliw," Ezra said, conjuring a steaming cup of chamomile tea in his hand and taking a much needed drink to soothe his aching body. "That entire area is protected by them."

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