Chapter 12 - Remember Her Light. Remember Her Darkness.

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Demons scattered away from Ezra and cowered in their caves while he tore through the vast tunnels and chambers in a rage as he searched for a way back to Rhia, but every portal he found barred him from leaving.

The last time she did something like this was right before Godiran took her life. She didn't want him to see her death, but his brother forced her to summon him to watch her demise.

He wouldn't let that happen again. He refused to let her shut him out and leave her vulnerable to Godiran. Not while she barely understood what was happening to her.

Ezra roared, slamming his fists into another glowing portal that remained unmoved by his urgency. Boulders and molten rock fell around him and he ignored the frightened screams of the souls passing through to the core and the demons protecting them from his rampage.

"Sae!" Jin called as she rushed to his side, dodging the falling debris. "You need to calm down!"

"No!" he seethed as fire licked over his skin. "I need to get back to Rhia. She doesn't understand what she's done," he said, pushing past Jin as he ran through the tunnels and kicked open the doors, protecting the great swirling core. "Gia! I know you can open the portals!"

"No, I can't, Sae," she said, appearing in the fiery globe and the grin on her face only added to his rage. "Rhia controls the portals and she clearly doesn't want to see you at the moment."

"This isn't funny!" he said, pacing back and forth as he dragged his claws over his face. "She's up there on her own and she doesn't understand what's coming for her."

Gia chuckled softly. "Maybe you should've done a better job of explaining things, hm?"

"Gia." Ezra snarled, baring his fangs. "I don't need this from you right now. Give me a way to get back to her. You still have some control over this Earth."

"I'm merely a figment of what I used to be. My daughter holds all the power here, you know that," she said, as her eyes flicked to Jin standing beside him. "Leave us. The demons need your help to calm the souls Sae so selfishly petrified in his rampage."

"Yes, my Divine," Jin said, bowing her head and gave Ezra an apologetic glance before she scurried away from them.

The grand doors of the core's chambers slammed shut as streams of rock and fire slithered up from the floor and wrapped around Ezra's limbs, chaining him where he stood. "What are you doing?" he said through gritted teeth as he struggled against the shackles.

"My daughter is safe and in the capable hands of her earthly mother and her coven," Gia said as her iridescent eyes darkened to brown. "She has never needed you to protect her, love her or care for her, Sae'tänezyrian." She raised her hand and the chains on Ezra went taut as his spine went poker straight. "You've just forgotten what kind of goddess she is."

Ezra gasped as a bolt of burning white light shot from Gia's hand and burrowed itself inside his mind. "What are you doing to me?" he slurred as his vision blurred and a sweeping warmth engulfed his body.

"Memento luminis eius. Memento tenebrarum eius."

Remember her light. Remember her darkness.

Ezra fell through a black abyss and a burst of light before he was engulfed by the memories of Ruhina he kept locked deep inside his mind. The ones that were too painful to remember and the one moment he never wanted to relive.

 The ones that were too painful to remember and the one moment he never wanted to relive

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