Chapter Fourteen

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Some things happen naturally. Max had never kissed a girl before. Ariana had never kissed a boy before. Not that it was her fault but her fate was tied to Max so no matter how hard she tried, she had to wait for him.

I continued the kiss. What Max had done under the lake had scared me but at the same time I was drawn to the kid. I had to wait decades for him to be born but right now he felt like home. I loved the feel of his lips on mine damn! What was I doing? I couldn't pull away and he didn't pull away.

After what felt like eternity a cough stopped us and we abruptly separated. It was Nyaminyami. The guy had great timing I tell you and my sister was with him. They both looked like they had been casually taking a lovers stroll.

"Opps! Looks like you two were having some fun here. Apologies for the interruption." He said almost sounding sincere that Ariana almost laughed.

Max sat on the beach looking at the lake. He didn't respond to Nyaminyami but ignored him. This was weird.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

The snake smiled and that alone would have made any sane person run away but these were not normal people.

"To take a walk with my wife. You two are not the only ones in love you know."

Max spoke for the first time, "Then please do go on. I'm not sure if you noticed but we were making out and you kinda interrupted that with your so called walk. And do you have a cold? Why did you cough?"

"Ahh, yes the boy who caused a rackus. You think you are now a match for me because of the stunt you pulled Maxwell?"

Max smirked, "Did I scare you brother in law?"

I was getting scared. I didn't know what Max was capable of but Nyaminyami? The guy was a psychopath and the worst part was my sis would stand with him. Damn mermaid oaths. I couldn't count on her to turn on her husband despite the hatred we had for him. Deep down I knew she loved the guy who was hung up on his dead wife.

"On the contrary no, but I don't think you two will like my surprise tomorrow. You see you might have to stay at home for a while." Nyaminyami grinned.

This didn't sound good. What had this guy done? I heard the same question in Max's head.

"But as I said, I was taking a walk with my lovely wife. So please go ahead and make out like stupid teenagers while I destroy everything you ever cared for."

"Isn't there like a snake repellant herb around? I could use one."  Max Thought.

"If I had that do you think he would be here?"

I laughed because if there was one thing I enjoyed, it was the fact that I could hear Max's thoughts and they could lighten up my mood faster than anything in the world. My sister and her husband left leaving us in an awkward situation.

"So?" Max asked.

"So, what do you think he meant?" I asked trying by all means to avoid how I was feeling. I knew we had to talk about it but I felt like a teenager. I felt giddy and I didn't like that.

"We have to wait for tomorrow. Hungry?"

I noticed he seemed ok after everything that had happened. He seemed cool and I was the only one affected. Dammit. I knew he had never kissed anyone but still. I was bothered.

I stood up waiting for Max to stand as well but he did the opposite. He slept on the his back and looked up at the sky. It was turning dark.

"I am hungry Max, can we go and eat?" I said in an annoyed voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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