Chapter Twelve

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I watched as my brother-in-law sipped his coffee. He seemed so normal with his wife beside him. They just looked like teenagers who had skipped school and were enjoying each other's company. If they had said they were shooting an episode of Blood and Water, people would have asked for autographs.

"Arianna I see the humans are treating you well. You are glowing." Nyaminyami noted.

I couldn't keep using that name it was annoying me and to be honest it was just a lot of work. Before Arianna answered him she looked at me and smiled. She had heard me complaining about the name.

"What can I say, bro, marriage does that after all," She answered.

"I gotta say, Max looks handsome. I can't wait for the whole family to meet him, " Ayesha spoke for the first time.

Max was surprised by how beautiful her voice was. It was one of those voices that would tell you to do something and you would do it willingly. Arianna rolled her eyes. Her sister possessed some of her husband's powers. Her voice was her strongest aspect.

Ayesha looked at her sister and smirked. Arianna couldn't read her mind but she got the message clear.

"Are you jealous Sis?"

Arianna ignored her. There was no way she would be jealous of Max.

I blushed, "Thank you I guess."

"So when did you meet me, Max?" Nyaminyami asked.

I smirked, "You seem impatient bro but I remember your home. I mean I'm no fan of bone decor but you seemed to pull it off well."

I saw the shock on his face. He might have thought I was lying to get him to leave the classroom. As he was about to stand up Ayesha put her hand on his. It was as if to say I wouldn't do that here.

I almost jumped in shock when I heard Arianna laughing internally. I seriously couldn't get hold of this mind-reading thing.
He is scared of you Max. We are near water and he is not sure what you are capable of. For now, we are safe.

He growled, "How did you know that kid?"

I laughed, "So now I'm a kid huh? I would appreciate it if you didn't come to my class anymore. It bothered my classmates you see."

"This is not over Maxwell, not by a long shot. I will be back and I won't be so kind."

"Today you were kind bro? Cause I don't think you were." I replied as he stood up to leave. Ayesha rolled her eyes and stood up. These guys looked so damn good together although her husband was a snake. I meant that literally.

"I guess that's my cue to leave, bye guys," Ayesha said catching up to her husband.

When we looked up again the Netflix couple had disappeared into the waves. I breathed in a sigh of relief.

"You should stop gawking at my sister it's rude Maxwell," Arianna noted as I sipped my coffee.

I almost laughed at her. Was she jealous?

She answered my question, "You wish kid."

"One can only hope right wifey?" I laughed. "But I was checking her out. Both of you are just so beautiful yet you have the most messed up husbands how does that work?"

She rolled her eyes before she answered, "We do it to save our kind and the family."

"Must suck big time," I mumbled.

She smiled a genuine smile, "You ain't so bad Max you know that."

"Say that again wifey?" I teased.

She slapped my hand, "In your dreams husband."

I asked a question that had been bothering me. "What are we gonna do now? He is coming back for me."

Arianna sighed, "We come up with a plan to neutralize him for now.  He wants to rule again but we will not allow it. You saw what he did in school."

This was not how I imagined my life would turn out. Other people had a clear outline of how theirs would turn out. First graduate high school, go to University, get a job then get settled when they are about 25 years old.

Mine was unclear with no direction. Yeah, I had my brains back so what? I had a giant human snake out for my blood.

"How long are we going to keep attending school? Is it necessary?" I asked my wife.

She chuckled and bit into her chocolate cookie. "We continue doing regular stuff whilst saving the world I guess."

It made sense I guess. Wayne found us still at the cafe after school. He seemed fine for someone who had been hypnotized.

"You decided to go on a date during school hours? Wow, Arianna don't you have a sister whom I can marry too?"

"I do but she is already married. Sorry, Wayne."

Wayne grunted something about how horrible his luck was whilst ordering a glass of juice and hitting on the waitress.

"So why are you guys out early?" I asked. The school didn't end at 11 am.

"Well, it seems the water crisis is so bad that we even have to temporarily close schools. That's why they let us leave early." Wayne said as he thanked the waitress with a wink and a generous tip.

Didn't he ever get tired of crushing on women? Sometimes my friend worried me.

"Oh and Mr.Ndlovu told me to tell you guys that when we open you have lifelong detention for dating in school and leaving school grounds which is against code of conduct number one thousand and something." Wayne grinned.

"I thought they would their memories," I mumbled.

Arianna answered, "They remember everything except my sister and her husband. The detention does seem stupid though."

She excused herself and I was left with Wayne.

"What exactly happened man?" Was my first question.

"Well you argued with the teacher then you and your wife both walked out on him. He is pissed I tell you."

I decided there was no need to bother anymore. Their memories were fuzzy.

Wayne sipped his juice whilst we waited for my wife. She didn't come back but she sent me a message.
"Let's meet at the beach in 10. We have to go meet my family now. There is an emergency."

"Wayne I have to go man. Something came up will tell you all about it later.

"Ok dude I will just chill here for a while I like the view." He said looking in the direction of a group of girls who had just come in.

I found Arianna pacing up and down barefoot on the beach.

She didn't wait for me to ask, "The hydro electronic power station has broken down. Half of the country has no power."

Nyaminyami! That evil snake had to pay.


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