Chapter 1

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It was a normal yet a beautiful sunny day.....

"Ayzel wake up dear"

Noor Begum(Ayzel's Mother) was waking up her daughter(Ayzel Ahmed)while pushing her room's curtains and the sunlight was now peeking through the window....

"Mama..let me sleep for a bit more"

Ayzel said whining in Annoyance due to the sunlight hitting her face and pulled the covers over her head.

"No, honey you have to wake up now"

Ayzel's mother (Noor begum)said while pulling the cover away from her...

She(Ayzel) whined again but sat up and stretched her body, yawning.

"Good thing you are awake now come downstairs and have your breakfast"

Ayzel's Mother said while going downstairs..

"And don't forget to wake up your brother, Ayzel!!!!!"

Noor begum(Ayzel's Mother)shouted from downstairs...


She groans in Annoyance and went out of her room to wake her brother up....

She knocked at his(her brother's)door and shouted.

She shouted as leaning on his room's door because she was still sleepy...

His Brother opened the door while rubbing his eyes but Ayzel fell inside his room as she was leaning on that door....

"Wow wow easy there bakri"

His brother (Yawar Ahmed) said while chuckling
        Yawar Ahmed , Ayzel's brother

(Back to the story)

"Now you're awake, now come and have breakfast "

Ayzel said and walked away while rubbing her eyes but got bumped into the wall.

Yawar was laughing his ass off while watching his sister who kept on bumping into walls...

They both went downstairs after washing up...

"There are my beautiful children"

Ali Ahmed Sahab
(Ayzel's and Yawar's father)said after seeing his children.

"Asalam o Alaikum Baba Good morning"

Both of them greeted their Father....
"Haha WaAlaikum Asalam good morning my little Angels"he said while giving a kiss on his daughters forehead.

Their Mother, Aunt and their Grandma came and the Maids placed the plates on the dining table,bAyzel helped the maids in setting the table and food.

They Started to have their breakfast, everything was just perfect the birds were chirping outside the window,slow breeze was blowing and the family was having their peaceful time together...

After the breakfast the Father(Ahmed Sahab) went to his work ,as a businessman he was a busy person....Yawar went to his School as well and the rest of the family members were at home...just chilling...

Ayzel's phupho(Aunt) and Ayzel were sitting on the massive swing which was placed infront of their garden near the drawing room,they were enjoying the beautiful view of their garden ,the flowers and the little kids playing in the garden...

"Here you go phupho"

Ayzel said while handing the cup of tea to her Aunt and sat beside her Aunt with a cup of tea...

"Yawar went to School, right?"

Samia (her Aunt) said while sipping the tea
Hmm, Ayzel hummed in response.

They talked for a long time about random things....

|Meanwhile in the Khan Haweli|•

It was about 7:45 am and in the Khan Haweli it was a peaceful morning as always....

"FARZANAAA GO AND WAKE UP THOSE LAZY KIDS!!!"Sameena Begum shouted at their Maid so that she can go and wake up the kids up.....

"Ufff these kids so lazy, oh Khan Sahab you've woken up. Assalamualaikum!How did you sleep last night?"Sameena begum greeted her husband lovingly...

"WaAlaikum Asalam Sameena Begum, Yeah i slept well...where are the kids"Ali Khan Sahab greeted back and asked his Wife about their kids....

"Come on Huda i'll drop you to your college its not a big deal " Zaviyar said to his sister (Huda khan).

Huda khan, Zaviyar Ali Khan's Sister

"No Bhai (elder Brother)... i'll go with the driver you can go to the work"She said convincing her brother as they were coming downstairs....

"Oh look they are here" Their mother (Sameena begum) said and went towards her son.

"Oh look at my handsome son" She said and kissed his Son's forehead while looking at him with loving eyes.

"Mom- im also your child give me some love too"Huda said dramatically while fake crying...

"O my god.... look at this dramatic girl come here you"She said and kissed her daughter as well...

"Oho are we gonna have our breakfast or not,im so hungry"Their father(Ali Khan Sahab) said.

" yeah lets go kids"Sameena begum said to her kids and called the Maids to set up the dining table...

They had their breakfast peacefully while chit chatting a little....

•|Back to Ayzel Ahmed's House|•

Ayzel was sitting in the living room reading a novel.

"Yo, missy Sissy"Yawar said while holding on hid head tightly and winching in pain...

"Here comes the troublemaker What happened to you now"Ayzel said while looking over her brother..

"My head hurts so much"He said while groaned.

"Come here, sit down infront of me"She said while patting the empty place and starts massaging his scalp...

"You are the best sis"He said while closing his eyes.

"I know you are the best too"She said while a bright smile spread on her face as she look over her little brother....

"Ayzel!!!!"Her Mother came walking towards them and said.

"Tomorrow we are going to your Aunt Jamila's Daughter Wedding.So,be ready ,Okay?"

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