Chapter 5

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Hailee POV

After I went downstairs i didn't know what to make them, I didn't know if they were allergic to anything so i went to ask Emma. Let's hope she is awake.

I knocked on the door first and after i heard a silent 'come in' I opened the door. "Hi did i wake you up" i asked softly. "no no you didn't i was just setteling in, can i help with something?" she said "yeah i just came to ask if you guys are allergic to anything as i am making dinner? I couldn't ask your sister cause she went sleep" I said stepping inside leaving the door open "oh yeah no we're not allergic to anything. Can i help with anything?" she asked "no that's alright thank you, but you can come downstairs if you want you don't have to stay here?" i said walking to the door. "yeah sorry old habit" she said i looked at her confused but brushed it off as i didn't want to pressure her.

I went into the kitchen to finish dinner, making them some easy butter chicken while Emma stayed in the living room playing with Martini. I've never seen Martini play with any of my friends, she likes to be alone but it looks like she likes the Miller sisters. I smiled at them as Martini licks her face while she is giggling.

After i finished making dinner i went to check on Emma and Martini as it was quiet for a while. as i walked into the living room as saw them sleeping on the couch while the movie was still playing, it was cute seeing them sleeping together but i had to wake her up. "hey Emma honey wake up dinner is ready" i said whispering to her, i smiled at her as she let out a groan whilst stretching out "can you set the table while i go wake your sister up?" i asked as she sat up "yeah sure" "thank you" I said and went upstairs.

I slowly opened the door to y/n's room and saw her whimpering in her sleep she was probably having a bad dream so i went to her side and stroked her hair out of her face. "hey sweetheart it's okay" I said whispering but she didn't budge, I felt her forhead and she was burning up "hey it's me Hailee, you gotta wake up" i said pulling the blanket off her trying to bring her fever down. She groaned and tried sitting up "no no lay down you're sick" she whimperd and layed back down "stay here im going to get you something for the pain" i told her and made my way downstairs.

I ran into the kitchen and got some Advil "Whats going on?" Asked Emma as she saw me running "uh your sister has a high fever, i just came to get her some painkillers. But you can start eating if you want you don't have to wait for us" I told her "no its fine I'll come with you to check on her, but she is okay right" she said starting to worry about her sister "yeah don't worry she'll be fine its just a fever" i told her trying to calm her down and i think myself too as i didn't know what to do.

We went upstairs and we heard her vomiting in the bathroom, I rushed to her side and held her hair up and rubbed her back "it's okay let it out" I reassured her "it hurts" she said holding her stomach probably from her fractured ribs "I know but let's brush your teeth and then get you back to bed okay? But first drink this it will help against the pain" I told her wiping her mouth, she nodded and drank the Advil after that me and Emma got her up and sat her down on top of the toilet seat while i got her a new toothbrush that i keep in the guest room cabinet.

After I brushed her teeth we helped her to bed and layed her down "wan' sleep" she croaked out "okay you can sleep honey we'll be here with you" i told her stroking her cheek "thank you" she said looking at me "no problem, you just sleep okay?" She nodded and drifted off to sleep. I looked at Emma and saw a worried look on her face while looking at her sister. I stood up and pulled her with me outside the room and closed the door quietly, i looked at her and she was about to cry so i pulled her into a hug "Hey it's going to be okay, she is going to be okay don't worry too much" i told her rubbing her back while she cried on my shoulder "wh-why her? Why has this have to happend to her she didn't do anything wrong. Sh-she was always there for me she is a good person she doesn't deserve this. Please help her, will you help her?" She pleaded. Honestly my heart broke for what they have been through no one should have to go through that. "Hey look at me, i will always help you guys okay? And she will be back to her normal self in no time alright?" "Okay, thank you" she told me looking at me "No problem sweetie, now go downstairs and eat okay?" "But-" "No buts go i will look after your sister" i told her leaving no room for argument "okay" she said and walked downstairs.

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