Chapter 11 - Ellie

Start from the beginning

"It's okay; you don't need to tell me." I backpedal, he's uncomfortable, and I'm prying." No. It's fine. I got that tattoo when I was 18 and dumb. I broke up with my high school girlfriend and went out one night and decided to commemorate it with a tattoo." His voice is hard again.

"Commemorate it?" I can't help myself. I want more information.

"She fucked my best friend at the time, and it was a nice reminder that people aren't always who you think they are." He says it with minimal emotion like he's no longer fazed by it. And my heart tightens for the boy he once was.

"I'm sorry." I place my hand against his chest.

"Nothing to be sorry for, Sunshine; it was a long time ago." He traces the fingers I have against his body with his thumb.

"Do you ever think about them?" Flynn cants his head to the side, staring at me with one of the most intense looks I've seen.

"No, I don't. I don't miss them, if that's what you're asking, Ellie. As I said, It was a long fucking time ago. I'm glad if anything - it taught me never to drop my guard, don't let them see you fucking sweat, right?" He must notice how my eyes drop to my hands because he's picking them up and placing them against his lips.

"Tell me what you're thinking, Ellie."

"I just want to know more. Can you tell me more about yourself?" Flynn reaches for my face and dusts his lips over mine

"Looks like someone has a crush on me," he smirks.

"Don't be smart, Stone." I pinch his arm, but he only chuckles, and my cheeks warm.

"What do you want to know?"

"Are you close to your family, or did you play any sports growing up, have any hidden talents I should know about?"

Flynn drags a hand through his hair and sits up against the headboard. "Is that all?" he laughs.

"For now." I shrug, but my lips grow into a smile.

"I am close to my family; I have a younger sister who likes to put me in my place when I see her on family holidays; apparently, I work too much and don't know how to have any fun or see her enough I played football in college and dabbled in Hockey - that's sort of how Kincaid and I met. I have plenty of hidden talents, but I've already shown you the one with my tongue so that one's not a hidden talent to you anymore." He winks, and I feel myself blush.

"As far as hidden talents go, I don't remember any with your tongue, must have been very lacklustre. I smirk as Flynn grabs my hips.

"Is that so, Ms Hudson?" His mouth trails under my ear, and I arch against him

"Yep," I reply, popping the P and Sighing dramatically. Flynn rolls on top of me, hovering above my body.

"As much as i'd love to do that, i'd like to interrogate you a little now."

"Interrogate away."

"Are you happy at Elite?" The question is genuine, and I feel a pull at my eyebrows. I had half expected something dirty to be asked, but I get the question. It's not just about Elite. It's him also.

"Cat got your tongue?" He's smirking, and if it weren't for that dimple, I would have punched him in his ribs, smart ass. I tuck my hair behind my ear.

"I love working at Elite, it has been an amazing experience, and everyone is so nice to me; my boss is a grouch, but he's nothing I can't handle."

That earns me a laugh, and it's such a rare sound that my stomach clenches in delight.

"If I'm being honest, I was terrified that after so many years in college, all I would have to show for it was a diploma sitting in a frame, but you, the company, have given me the most amazing opportunity."

"Even if it's just working as my assistant for now?"

"Let me think about it...hmm," I tap my fingers against my chin, pretending to think Flynn pulls me to him and sits me on his lap. I squeal loudly.

"Ellie, don't fucking play with me." His words are smouldering, molten, and my body rubs against his. My pussy dampened his naked lap.I laugh out loud.

"Yes, Flynn, I'm very happy to take care of you professionally speaking." I wink.

"You can take care of me anytime you want to, sunshine."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, sunshine, Do you need another reminder on how to care for me?" He nips at my cheek. I throw my head back.

"Mhmm, maybe." Flynns inside me in a second, and before I can stop myself, I scream his name loud enough for the entire neighbourhood to hear.

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