Chapter 3: developments

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"Roger, I'm getting a little worried about Nathan."

"Yep, me too."

"He says he has it all under control, but I'm not sure."

"I gotta say he looks the part."

"Remember when he was little, your mother used to say that he was too pretty to be a boy and should have been born a girl."

"That's true, right up to the time she died when Nathan was twelve"

"If she was here now she'd say, 'see, I told you so'."

"Surely some of his friends have noticed the change to his face and voice."

"He says he has received a couple of comments, but just tells them that he hasn't been getting enough exercise lately and is getting a bit flabby. He says he reverts to his deeper voice when he's with others."

 . . . . . . . . . .

"Nathan, are you using that bandage to flatten your chest to go out?"

"Yes, Mum. My boobs have grown a lot more than I expected. My doctor says that it's just been a case of above-average growth, but they're fine."

"Let me see, please"

"Good grief, Nathan."

"Not a bad pair, ay?"

"Nathan, please stop taking those pills."

"Mum, I kinda like them, they're sorta fun . . . and there's only a couple of months to go. I can stick it out and it's all . . ."

"Reversible, I know. That's what you keep telling me."

A few days later, Roger told them that he had another project to go to. Only a week this time, but in the Caribbean. He suggested they come with him and put up in a resort. There was eager agreement. Nathan's uni was no problem: it was a study week and he could easily do that online. Nathan suggested that he go as Natalie. "It will be great practice for me and give me confidence." Agreement, just not quite so certain this time.

Then there was the question of Nathan's passport with its 'boy photo'. Nathan thought he could handle it. "Really, what can they do."

At passport control, Nathan/ Natalie was completely upfront. "I'm a transvestite, I have no male clothes. This is how I always look."

After a bit of consultation with supervisors, Natalie was passed straight through.

Mother and 'daughter' had a most enjoyable stay in the resort. Natalie could comfortably pass as a female. She looked great in her bikini.

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