"I love how you labelling your relationship." he says. "It's pretend house not a relationship wena Aphiwe." I say and he chuckles. "Okay i love how you came up with a name for this thing of yours." "That's how you were supposed to phrase it from the beginning." "What you cooking cause I can hear pots sizzling?" "I'm making a simple lamb curry with basmati rice."

"Let me switch to face time then." he says. "If you ever wonder why I died in a fire just know that's its your fault." I say and he laughs. "Check the pots and not me." I roll my eyes. He switches the call to face time and his chilling in his office.

I start chopping the peppers and add them to the pot. "Melunjani usuku lakho?" he asks. (How was your day?) "Meli right elakho?" I ask. (It was okay and yours.) "Nelami meliright." (Mines was okay.) "So how's business going?" "It's going good though. I'm trying to come up with more ideas. Yes I'm happy with the profits I'm making but I don't want to get to comfortable with the numbers that i see i need to see them grow." "I'm glad that you think like that."

"Help me come up with ideas." he says. "You produce alcohol and sell to shops and restuarants etc." I say. "Yeah that's what I do." "Why don't you open your own shop where you can sell your own alcohol instead of having to sell it to other shops?" "I have thought about that idea but I'm not feeling it cause I'm used to supplying to others but maybe one day." "In business its not about what you feel its about making the best desicion to benefit you and your company. Sometimes you must think outside of the box."

"I get what you saying but no I don't want to do that for now." he says and i nod. "Okay then why don't you start supplying something else besides alcohol or maybe start a new company." I suggest. "It seems like a good idea but what else can i supply to people besides alcohol?" "You can maybe buy your own farm and start growing fruits and vegetables so you can sell to the markets and shops." "That sounds like a good idea."

"Everything that comes out of my mouth is good." I say and we laugh. "What should i name my new company should i go with that idea?" he asks. "Well you can name it something that starts with an A and has a deep meaning." "Like what?" "Kind of think about this as giving back to the community and also donate those vegetables and fruits to those in need. Like start a feeding scheme."

"So you want me to buy a farm so I can start growing my own fruits and vegetables so I can sell to markets and also donate to the less fortunate." he says. "Yes. Like you know there are people out there who don't have everything so you donating could change their lives forever." I say. "That's a splendid idea." "Please I need those profits." He rolls his eyes.

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