Part 46

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"Skye," Raymond started as they were all seated at the breakfast table. "How would you feel about the two of us spending more time with Jackson? Papa likes Jackson very much and we would like to start dating."

"Like Uncle Eric and Kelley?" Skye looked from his dad to Jackson in suspicion.

"Yes, like them." He smiled, hoping his relationship won't be as chaotic as theirs.

"So will we all be staying together?"

"Not right now, Squirt. We're only going to be going out to see if we like each other more."

"Can Jackson pick me up from school?" He asked innocently.


"Maybe once or twice a week?" Jackson asked, winking at Skye. "The two of us also need to spend some time together."

"Once a week and you come straight home and do homework. No pit stops along the way?" He said firmly. "If you miss one or are late, then the deal's off." He warned.

"So, does that mean that we're officially dating?" Jackson turned to Skye holding his hand up in a high five. After a moment, Skye slapped his palm and grinned even wider.

"Now that the two of you've had time to celebrate start cleaning up the kitchen, we have to get ready to go to grandma's." He was surprised when Skye jumped up from his chair and clear the table without any complaint. Watching the way the two interacted in the kitchen, Raymond knew he made the right decision in letting Jackson in and telling Skye.


"Grandma!" Skye screamed at the top of his lungs when he entered the house, looking excitedly around.

"Stop shouting like that, it's rude." Raymond shushed him as they entered the living room.

"Skye?! Is that my little boy?" Gillie came rushing toward them, shoving Raymond aside to give Skye a hug.

"Why did you have to be so naughty?" She scolded him, "I haven't seen you for a whole month!"

"Troublemaker!" Eric sauntered into the room, ruffling Skye's hair. "What do you have to say for yourself?" He teased. "Getting caught is an amateur move!" He laughed at Skye's moody expression.

"Uncle Eric stop it!" He whined pulling out of Gillie's grasp. "Guess what grandma?" His face lit up suddenly. "We're dating!" He announced in excitement.

"You are?" Kelley rushed into the room as if summoned. "I knew it! Way to go Skye!"

"He's not a doctor, what are you going to do now Mom?" Eric snorted, teasing his mom with her obsession with setting Raymond up with a doctor.

"Well, we can't all be perfect, I mean, look at you." She snapped back in humour. "That's so lovely to hear." She smiled at Raymond. "I always knew I'd find you the perfect match." Her eyes went glassy and she sniffed into her sleeve.

"But you didn't...!" Eric started, before being shut down by both Raymond and Kelley.

"Shut it, Eric!" He playfully threw a pillow at him with all his might.

"Ow! What was that for?" Eric rubbed his nose where the pillow hit.

"For being yourself." Kelley filled in taking a seat. "So, you're currently in the run for the title of Mr Cook-Priestly?" She joked with him.

"It seems so." Jackson couldn't hide his joy. "Although, I'm the only one in the competition, so you could say that I've already won!"

"Don't get ahead of yourself, you still have to pass a few tests." Eric brought him down to earth.

"Tests? You're kidding, right?" He looked incredulously at Eric.

"We don't joke here. You'll get your instructions soon enough." He cryptically informed Jackson, while Kelley grinned in excitement.

"Don't mind him, Jackson, you're going to pass with flying colours!" She leaned over and briefly grabbed his hand.

He looked at Raymond for help. Were they serious when they talked about a test? With this family, he knew it wouldn't be a written test either. Now he started worrying again. What madness could these crazy people be planning?

"Food!" Gillie suddenly exclaimed, getting up and wafting to the kitchen. A few minutes later she returned. "Kelley, I think you need to speak to Cook. He may still be angry about the honey situation."

"Welcome to the family Jackson, and good luck!" Kelley laughed as she took Skye's hand and left for the kitchen.

"Where's Pops?" Raymond asked Eric who had kicked off his shoes and was now laying on the couch as if he was ready to take a nap.

"He and your dad are working on their boat this weekend. I offered to help and even told them they could use the hanger, but they were dead set on doing it all themselves in your dad's tiny garage. Something's off there."

"You think? The two of them together, and away from Mom's scrutiny is no coincidence, trust me. They are definitely up to something.


"It's time we got going." Raymond got up and stretched. They'd spent the whole afternoon together, with Gillie playing the attentive host to Jackson's every need. Raymond had to laugh when Eric got a slap to the head for making a snarky comment about him.

It was good that they got on so well together. He knew that his two dads would be happy for him, especially since he'd found someone who made Skye happy as well. He watched as Gillie handed Jackson a basket filled with food packed in boxes.

"In case you get hungry later and don't feel like cooking." She pushed the basket into his hands.

"I, eh, em thank you?" Jackson said in confusion, looking at Raymond for help, but it seemed as if he was resolutely avoiding his eyes.

"Don't mention it. I'll have Cook come over and plan your meals unless, of course, you'll be staying at Raymond's?" She gently asked, still holding onto his arm.

"I, er thank you, but I..."

"There's no need to be shy dear, I'm not that old that I don't know what you all get up to whether or not the lights are on."

Eric burst out in laughter, with Kelley trying very hard not to show any expression. From the way her shoulders were shaking, she was barely holding on.

"Thanks, Mom. I'm sure these will come in handy for later." He pushed Jackson toward the door and away from his mother's clutches.

When they finally rolled up the windows, Jackson looked in the rearview mirror at a happy Skye, before glancing over to Raymond who had a contented smile on his face.

"It seems as if I'm already a member of the family." He grinned, quite pleased with his reception.

"Almost, you still have a few tests to pass." He said ominously with a sly grin on his face.

"You and Eric are only trying to scare me. There's no such thing as a test!" He said confidently, sure that he was being pranked.

"Don't say we didn't warn you." He grinned. "Seriously though, if my dads invite you to anything, let me know immediately. They're never up to any good and it's going to be open season on you until mom stops them. And that is another red flag right there."

"You worry too much Cook. What do you say, little man, he worries too much doesn't he?" He glanced at Skye in the backseat.

"Yes Papa, you worry too much!" He let out a peel of laughter.

"I have a feeling that between the two of you, I'll be doing a lot of worrying." He joined in the laughter as they made their way to the apartment.

Family TiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora