Part 43

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"Get that woman on the phone, right now!" Saul, a balding older man with a red, blotchy round face and stature, shouted to the men in the room. He looked at the card in his hand and the two men in front of him.

"So what did he look like?" He asked, knowing that many had asked that question but none were any closer to finding the bane of all their existences.

"He was blonde and spoke with a foreign accent, boss. He looked about middle-aged, with a big beard too."

"The deal is off! I don't know what kind of trouble you're in lady, but count me out. You've gone and pissed off the Inquisitor and dragged me into it!" He shouted as soon as the phone was handed to him. Briefly listening to what was said, he interrupted her.

"Look lady, I don't care how much money you offer me, nobody messes with the Inquisitor, so good luck finding someone else!" He threw the phone across the room. "Fuck!" He called out in frustration. If he was lucky, he'd get off with a warning and maybe lose a hand, but if he really screwed up, then he could end up dead along with his whole family. Nobody messed with the Inquisitor or interfered in his business. It was bad for business in general and stupid.

Tell me again what he said." He asked, looking at the card on his desk, while it felt like he was about to have a heart attack.


On the other side of town, Jackson was midway through listening to a presentation when his phone started buzzing. With a frown, he briefly looked down and cut the call, not recognising the number. When it buzzed again, he quietly lifted it to his ear.

"Mr Dealer? It's Skye's teacher... Do you have a moment for me?"

"What happened?!" He called out, jumping from his chair, ignoring the room that had gone silent, everybody watching him.

"Do you mind coming over to school? We have a little situation with Skye."

"Is he okay? Is he hurt?" Why the hell was this woman being so vague, he wondered as he ran toward the exit.

He ran toward Skye's classroom, where he found him sitting outside, swinging his legs while he looked morosely at the ground.

"Skye?" He crouched down in front of him, looking him over. He didn't seem to be hurt. "Are you okay? What happened and where is your dad?" Now that he'd finally got his head straight, he realised he should have called Raymond first.

"Papa is away, so I thought maybe you could help." He mumbled, not lifting his head.

"Okay little one, why don't you tell me what happened." He took a seat next to Skye waiting for him to speak.

"Teacher says I cheated and that I gave the answers to my friends."

"And did you?" He gently prodded.

"No!" He exclaimed.

"Then why does she think you cheated?" He looked at the bowed head, waiting for Skye to respond. "I'm going to find out soon anyway."

"It's not my fault that she always uses the same numbers for all her tests! It's always the same. I only told a few of my friends what the numbers will be. But not all the time like she says!"

"Ah, Mr Dealer. It's so wonderful to see you again!" She simpered, immediately grabbing his arm. "It's a pity that it has to be under such terrible circumstances..." She trailed off, looking at Skye with a slight frown.

After thirty minutes of speaking to her and begging and charming her not to suspend him, Jackson felt tired. How do parents handle this type of stress? But now that the situation was settled to a degree, he didn't know what to do next.

"Come on little man, let's hit the road." He held his hand out to Skye and walked back to the car with him. He took out his phone and dialled Raymond's number once they were settled in the back.

"Hey Cook, how are things on your end?" He stalled. What does he say in a situation like this and how do you break the news to a parent that their kid could be extorting candy from his friends?

"Nice to hear your voice, but you sound guilty."

"Me?" He chuckled nervously. "I've got nothing to be guilty of."

"Spit it out pretty boy. We're burning daylight here."

"Some people would try and make a little light conversation first. But moving on, I've got the little one here with me... There was a bit of trouble at school..." He yanked the phone from his ear as Raymond let loose. "Now just hang on a minute, I picked him up from school and he's fine. I'll take him home when we're done." He listened some more before interrupting Raymond.

"Come on Cook, I know how to keep the little one safe and he'll be fine with me. We'll see you later. There's no need to rush."  Cutting the call, he turned to Skye,

"Do you mind if we stop at the office first, troublemaker?" He ruffled Skye's hair.

"I'm not a troublemaker!' He sulked, not speaking again until the car stopped. He immediately perked up and unclipped his seatbelt as Jackson opened the door.

"Can I get a piggyback, please?" He tugged at Jackson's hand.

I'm not too sure if your Papa would allow that." He hedged moving toward the entrance.

"Please? Just this once." He pulled at Jackson's arm until he finally gave in. He happily climbed up, sitting on Jackson's shoulders as they walked through the building.

As previously, they drew many looks from curious staff as they walked toward Jackson's office. The moment he stepped inside, he immediately ran to the wall of cars.

"Can I play with them?" He asked pointing to the wall.

"Only if you're careful, okay? Although, I don't think your dad would like it much." Ignoring Jackson he took a few cars down and was immediately immersed in playing. Looking up from his desk after thirty minutes, Skye was still happily playing by himself.

"Come on little man, it's time we got going." Packing up, he waited while Skye put the cars back in place. "It's time we went and faced the music." He smiled down at Skye, who threw him a worried look.

"Papa will be very angry," he said quietly, his shoulders drooping.

"Only for a little while though. Your Papa loves you a lot and only wants what is best." He tried to placate Skye who still looked worried. "Come on, maybe we can get some cake along the way that might help."

Nodding, Skye took his hand, very sure that cake won't be able to save him.

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