Part 35

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"How's the investigation going?" Damon asked, watching Raymond as he took a seat.

"Hi, it's nice to see you too, Pops." Raymond retorted.

"Okay, okay. No need to get snippy." He grinned. "I'm only asking for an update.

"Right, so far we have a few leads to follow up on. Jackson's friend was knee-deep in gambling debt. He often visited Jackson at his family home and it seemed that they were very close. He also knew about the diamond that the family acquired." He started filling Damon in.

"He has a brother living in Europe somewhere, but we'll find him soon. He seems to not want to be found, which has raised a few red flags. I've also had that forest combed with dogs and X-rays, but there was no sign of a body. I doubt the kidnappers would have dumped the body in a shallow grave or left it out, so..." he made a sweeping gesture with his hand as he trailed off.

"Then there is your friend, whose behaviour is somewhat suspicious and may also have a stake in this story. Their interest wasn't only to find the diamond or the money trail, they thought Jackson had stolen the gem, am I right?" He leaned forward in his chair.

"You seemed to be more informed than I am." Damon mildly responded. He knew Raymond would get to the bottom of the case quickest, but he also regretted using him, because, unlike the others, he doesn't stop investigating simply because you asked him nicely or even threatened him.

"Now, out of respect for you, I've not looked at the name of your friend. I've skirted around the issue long enough now. Will you tell me, or do I have to really take five extra minutes out of my life to find them?" He finished in exasperation.

"You're really getting cocky, you know that?" Damon laughed out loud. "If you're so confident you can find out who it is, then go ahead. I'm not stopping you. Although, now that my friend knows the company is clean, they want to stop the investigation."

"Unless they are paying me for my time or have a contract with us, then I don't see any need to follow the rules." Shaking his head, he searched Damon's face and demeanour for any clues.

"Stop that! I know what you're doing and you're not going to get me." Damon interrupted his scrutiny, knowing that he was waiting for any opening to pounce.

"Fine, have it your way." He got up but turned to Damon before he left. "I also know about the pizza restaurant." He reminded Damon.

"Really?" He looked surprised. "How did you find out?" A frown creased his brow. He'd bought a small pizzeria years back when he first started out with his young family. It was supposed to be the family flagship restaurant, but after he realised that neither Eric nor his wife were interested in it, he'd put it on the back burner letting it run itself.

When Skye was born, he immediately made arrangements for the chain to be transferred to Sky when he turned eighteen, along with all the profits earned. He'd hidden it away so carefully, knowing that if Raymond found out, he'd make things very difficult and baulk at the idea.

"It's a gift to my grandson. And who knows, he might want to take expand Zenith in that area one day." He reasoned, watching Raymond closely. "Don't tell me you're going to make an issue out of this, knowing what your mom has planned."

"True," he sighed leaving the office. It's not like he could stop any of them. But at least he had a few more years to make sure that Skye didn't turn out to be a spoilt brat with too much money.


"Cook?" Jackson had tried calling him all morning with very little success. His PA was like a demon gatekeeper, tight-lipped and snarky to the point where you were actually afraid of asking another question.

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