Part 24

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Raymond headed to work after dropping Skye off at school to listen to a recording that one of his connections had dropped off. His scowl intensified as he listened. Jackson's kidnapped friend had accumulated a lot of debt gambling, and according to his source, he'd gotten into difficulty several times for not repaying his loans. This was critical information that he required in order to proceed. He has developed an interest in the deceased or missing friend. The fact that they didn't look any deeper led him to conclude that the family intended to resolve the situation as swiftly and quietly as possible.

Walking into the office building, he considered all his options, of which there were very few. He needed to get Jackson's side of the story, fast. Maybe he can come out and say it all, the thought briefly entered his head, before being pushed off. He'll have to find a way around it, that's all.

"Cook, what is this?" Jackson looked at the doodle in front of him.

"The report you asked for." He frowned, Jackson wasn't that dense, was he?

"I don't think this is the right report." He grinned, holding up his tablet for Raymond to see. A screenshot of one of his doodles, with Jackson's name, scribbled all over with little hearts and flowers.

"Oh shit!" Raymond gasped in horror. How the hell did that happen? "That was an accident, here, let me..." He reached over to take the tablet from Jackson. Instead of handing it over, he pulled it away from Raymond's grasp.

"Sorry kid, this is mine now." His grin was back. He'd like to see Raymond backtrack from that!

"It was a mistake, can't we forget that it ever happened?" He asked desperately.

"Go out with me and I will consider forgetting it."

"That's not what I meant," he mumbled, red-faced. When he looked at Jackson, he knew that there was no getting out of this one. He'd gotten himself stuck in a corner, with no way out.

"Why are you so set against dating me?" He leaned forward, frowning.

Why was he? He wanted to date Jackson, but it wouldn't be ethical, he reasoned to himself. Then there was Skye to consider. Bringing in random men was a formula for disaster. He didn't want Skye to be hurt if the relationship failed; he becomes overly attached far too soon. That was reason enough not to date him, but he genuinely wanted it, he knew.

"We work together and if we don't work out, then I'm without a job and there's Skye to consider. I can't bring any guy around to hang out with us. He gets attached, you know how kids are?" He hoped that Jackson would see reason.

"Don't be stupid Cook. If it doesn't work out, then I'll have you moved to a different department, that's all." He chuckled.

"Oh, you crack me up!" His sarcasm was hard to miss.

"Don't be difficult. I'm not any guy and I really like Skye. He's a cute kid, like his dad." He got up to stand in front of Raymond, close enough that he could feel the heat radiating from his body.

"Why do you make it so hard?" He asked, almost to himself. "I keep saying no, and you keep asking. Don't you think I would want that as well? But, I have more to lose than you, and aren't you afraid to get hurt in the process?"

We'll never know if we don't try. I've already been welcomed to the family, so there should be nothing in the way, should there?"

In a perfect world, there would be nothing to stop this relationship from happening, but his little secret didn't bode well for the future. He was thinking things over, when Jackson's arms snaked around his waist, pulling him in for a kiss. This time, Raymond didn't think of the consequences and surrendered himself to the moment.

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