Part 7

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"He has a child?!" Asuka asked in shock. From the way Raymond was described, it seemed as if he'd just come from high school. But then again, high schoolers have never been known for their level-headed decision-making when it came to sex.

"Yeah, and the worst part is that I made him work late on his son's birthday." Jackson felt a little more miserable about everything that he'd made Raymond do, from starting early in the morning to late at night. "It's no wonder the boy came looking for Cook. I've been hogging all his time."

"And you're a little disappointed that he might be straight?" Asuka prodded.

"What?! Why would I be? It's not like I'm emotionally invested or even have a crush on him." he quickly argued.

"I'm not saying that you are or were. I'm saying that you may have been a bit disappointed to learn that he has a kid." she watched him closely. Since college Jackson had lived in his own world, oblivious to other people and their needs. He also never dated, because nobody was ever good enough for him, as he liked to remind all his college mates.

"Maybe I am. So what?" he shrugged his shoulders. "At least I know where I stand."

"You may think you know where you stand, but having a kid doesn't mean anything these days. There is more than one way to skin a cat, you know." 

"Well, there's no point in discussing this anymore. I'm not about to break up a happy home, just because I find him interesting." he shrugged again, staring into the depth of his coffee cup as if looking for an answer.

"Well, bring him over anyway. I'm still dying to meet the man who could tame you." She laughed at the incredulous expression on Jackson's face. "Come on, bring him over. I'll be on my best behavior." Asuka poked at him. When he didn't look like he was going to budge, she changed her tack.

"I'll just show up at your offices on Monday to take a peek. Who knows what I could get up to?"

Seeing the grin on her face, Jackson knew that she was serious enough to do something like that.

"Okay, fine, I'll ask him to come over. Just watch what you say in front of him, or..." he threatened.

"Or what? What is there that you could possibly do to me that would make me listen to you?" she laughed at him.

"I can call Tony and ask him to come along if you want..." he let the threat hang in the air.

"Oh, piss off!" she said getting up.


The next morning, Jackson seemed more subdued, barely speaking, only shooting strange glances in Raymond's direction. Once he'd rattled through the day's schedule, he stood back, waiting for Jackson.

"Eh, Cook?" he started a bit unsure of himself. "I'm sorry about yesterday. For making you work and miss the party and all that..."

"Oh," that was unexpected. Raymond wasn't sure what was happening at that moment, but it seemed as if Jackson was having some sort of change of heart. "It's fine, we got to celebrate anyway." he grinned at Jackson who again had a strange look on his face. It almost seemed like he was looking for something while staring at Raymond.

"I'm glad to hear that." he nodded with a slight smile playing on his lips. "And er..." he looked slightly uncomfortable, "you don't have to come here in the morning. We can go through the schedule at the office and the rest I can handle myself."

"Are you sure?" This change of heart was unexpected,

"Yeah, you know what you're doing, so I don't have to keep such a close eye on you anymore." he grinned.

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