You think, "Yes. This man is correct. But it did happen repeatedly. What went on?"

Marissa continues, "But I didn't want it to stop. So, I kissed him again. At that point, he seemed resigned to it and just went with it. We were like that for a good hour before he said he was in too much pain to continue like that. I didn't know what he meant. He just kept rubbing his inner thigh. On the way back to school, he kept saying that we couldn't let this happen again. That it was wrong. Derek kept telling me how sorry he was and continued to massage his inner thigh. I didn't know what was going on at the time, but I realized later that he had had an erection. It wasn't his thigh that he was massaging, it was his hard-on. He brought me back to school and I called my mom to pick me up."

"How many times did something like this happen?"

"Since the start of school like six times."

"So, all you two ever did was kiss?"

"The fourth time we were together, it was more than just kissing."

You think, "Okay, I am going to have to tell someone." You ask, "How did it happen?"

"I told my mom that I was going to study with a friend one Saturday at the library and met with him instead. We made out in the car like we had done the other two times, and as usual, he complained that he was in pain, and he needed to stop. But I didn't want to stop, so I asked him what would make the pain better. He said that what we were doing was turning him on so much that his dick was throbbing. I had no idea it could do that. I asked what would alleviate that and he told me pressure and friction. He showed me what he would do. He brought my hand over to his lap and just let me pet his thing. Really lightly. I knew boys' dicks got hard, but I had no idea it got that hard. Then he asked me to do what I wanted to it. So instead of just petting it, I had squeezed it a little and rubbed it. He seemed to really love it when I played with the head of his dick. Then he showed me what I should do, showed me how he liked it and I did that. After about five minutes of me rubbing his hard-on, he told me to stop. He said that things were really getting out of hand. But then he kissed me and put his hands on my boobs. I really liked that. I liked that more than the kissing. I didn't mean to, but I moaned, and I don't think he liked that because he suddenly stopped what he was doing and said, 'Fuck!' He seemed angry and I got scared, so I didn't say anything. He drove me back to the library and that was that."

You are starting to feel queasy listening to this young girl tell this story. You think, "Oh dear God, please let this be as bad as it gets. Please." You ask, "Was that the last time you were with him?"

"No. Nothing happened for couple of weeks after that. He acted distant and cold towards me. I had no idea what I did wrong. One day, I even asked if he was angry with me about something and he told me not at all. But that's all he said. I used to go to him for extra help three to four times a week. But I thought I was bugging him or annoying him, so I just stopped going. Once a week at most was about it. About a week later, you started tutoring me. I wasn't going to go to him at all after that. Well, the week after you started was the first week where I didn't go to see him for extra help at all.

On Friday that week, I had just got done with volleyball practice and was going to call my mom to come pick me up. As I was walking out of the gym, Derek was there waiting for me. He looked angry again. This time, I really had no idea why. So, I asked him if everything was okay, and he asked me why I haven't been coming for extra help after volleyball practice the past couple of weeks. So, I told him about you and that I won't need to come and bother him anymore. That's when he said I should still come once or twice a week. I was feeling uncomfortable, so I just agreed and walked away from him. He chased after me and grabbed my hand and pulled me into his classroom. It was pitch black in there and I got a little panicked because coming in from the brightly lit hallway into the dark room, I couldn't see anything. Then he pushed me up against the wall and I was so scared that I yelped. He put his hand over my mouth and told me to be quiet. He apologized for being distant and cold towards me. And that's when he told me why he acted that way. But he said he still thought about me all day every day. And when I stopped showing up for extra help, he said he panicked.

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