Act One: The Magician - Chapter Nine

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Snow melted with Yoongi's every step. Steam puffed at his soles as clawed toes dug into the damp thawing earth. And as he neared the copse where he had left his kittens to clean up, the sound of tiny mewls reached his ears. The scene commencing before him once he approached pulled a smile to his thin black lips as he watched them play with the severed dick of the last man he had killed before he left. "You all were supposed to eat that." Beady spectral eyes turned towards him then in a flash, all of them at once chirping and hollering as if to argue with him about how much more fun it was to play with it instead. "Come on now, don't back talk me. One of you eat it so we can go home. There's other things I have to take care of besides this." The this in question being disposing of the skeletons still bound to the trees where they had died. If one were to come and see the sight of them as they were now, they would easily assume that they were ancient from how picked clean they were of any remnants of flesh, muscle, and organs. There wasn't even a speck of blood in sight. His kittens had done a thorough job and later on he would have to reward them. For now though... "You lot heard me. Go on. Finish your meal."

Turning away from them the sound of munching and chewing reached his ears and Yoongi grinned devilishly as he approached the skeleton the appendage had originally come from. "You really did have to go and make things harder on yourself didn't you." He whispered, his hand coming up to press against the center of the corpses ribs. "No matter, you served your purpose for me in the end anyway. Now rest. Htaed ni ecaep. Ridlaro fo sllah eht ot no evom. Gnoleb uoy erehw og dna dniw eht ni hsa emoceb won." And like that the bones became like soft powder beneath the witches fingertips and danced in a snow filled breeze.

Looking out at the moon that peaked overhead from the clouds above, Yoongi muttered one last thing beneath his breath before going on to the next skeleton to dispose of it much like he had the first. "Ecifircas ruoy rof uoy knaht."


No one noticed him as he snuck his way through the back entrance of the inn. Still, Yoongi kept low and crouched to the wall deep within the shadows similarly to what he done earlier in the night when he came back to check on his brothers and their guest. He really shouldn't have come back the first time, especially after doing what he had done. But he had been gone too long. Far longer than he had initially planned. So he needed to see if they were alright and let Jimin know that he too was okay before he went out searching for him or worse... One could argue that he could have sent an orb to relay a message. But that would require giving out way too much info in way to short of a time, and at the moment he had had to make the best call that he could given the situation and that was to wait it out as he gathered intel. There was also the chance that another witch was in the vicinity, or at least someone who was capable of magick, and if they happened to intercept the message before it could get to Jimin it would cause them a lot of trouble. More than what they were already in. So he stayed quiet and rushed himself as much as he could allow and thankfully had managed to crack all of the hounds easily. The information they had given him something that they were going to desperately need.

The secluded corridor designated for him and Jimin alone came into his field of vision and with cat-like reflexes he dashed forward and was out of sight within a blink of an eye. His nimble feet then carried him swiftly against the hard wood floors with an elegant ease as he softly rapped his knuckles against his own bedroom door and announced his entry. A timid, "Come in." Called back to him and with a steadying breathe, Yoongi popped himself inside and put on the fakest smile that he could for the young man currently wrapped completely in Caaro's quilt she had given him before they had left. Jungkook looked like he was in a cocoon. And admittedly, it made him a little fond. Despite his age he looked incredibly young. Almost like a teen. The sparkle in his eyes too bright despite how they were dimmed. It was clear as day that he had had a good life before ending up as a slave. And it was for that reason alone that he pitied him. It would have been easier on him if he had never been given that sparkle to begin with. Life was cruel like that though. He knew better than most.

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