Act One: The Magician - Chapter Six

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Authors Note

(Trigger Warning for graphic violence, semi-unwanted sexual advances, somewhat graphic torture, throwing up, and pretty much just plain ol' gore. So be prepared. The word rape is also used frequently and is not sugar-coated whatsoever.)


The tavern was noticeably more filled than what it would normally be at this time of night. Loud voices filling every crevice as Yoongi entered the room and scanned the raucous crowd. He recognized many of the patrons right away, a few even being regulars to the shop as well as frequent guests at the inn. But there was one crowded group hiding in the corner in particular that caught his eye. One that shared a marking he had seen on the arm of the body he had had to dispose of in the alley way. The mark of the hunt. Of hounds that belonged to no one yet worked for a particular few all the same. One particular person who he had a somewhat... special... interest in.

A deadly interest in in fact.

Patchouli and bergamot filled up his nostrils, the smell cloying on his sensitive nose and making him scrunch up his face as he silently gagged. Strong aromas were never something that he enjoyed, especially not the ones that the keeper Anlo liked to use since they were the ones from the shop and came from a very potent incense meant for keeping people happy and nonviolent. Which, admittedly, even he found useful. Especially given Anlo's position running the tavern as he did. Still, it was annoying at best and headache inducing at worse. As always though whenever he frequented the taverns warm walls, Yoongi pulled out a cloth mask that he tied at his nape, covering all but his golden cat-like eyes, and then walked to the bar in order to flag down the elderly man. "I wasn't expecting to see you tonight?" Was what the withered gentleman said when he saw him. And at his words a few eyes landed on him from around the room. Including those from the corner who at a closer look, were playing a game of 'Tillen'. Yoongi smiled from beneath his mask. A plan already forming in his mind. Though, he still needed to be cautious. Not everyone knew exactly who he was. Most having no idea that the 'Butcher of Kilrun' wasn't just a tall tale of war but a living being sitting amongst them and passing his days away within their quiet village as a simple shop keep with his brothers. But there were also those that knew. Those that didn't particularly approve of his presence. Let alone Jimin's. And the only reason they said nothing was to save their own hide in fear that he would skin them as the rumors told. So he needed to be cautious. Because if he was wrong. Then those that he was searching for would find him before he found them and it would end in nothing but blood. And while that blood would not be his own. It would be that of innocents. Which was something he couldn't allow. Even in his quest for revenge. "I thought I wouldn't see you for a few more days. Do you want your usual?"

Yoongi nodded and gave Anlo a small wave of his hand. "Yes please. Should I be concerned that you already know my habits?"

Anlo gave out a loud laugh that showed off his missing teeth and darkened gums. "When you've filled the glass of as many people as I have you figure out their routines by the second order." With that he placed a small crystal cup in front of him. Something that Yoongi noted that he only did for him. And filled it to the brim with one of his more aged ale's. "I'm guessing that your not paying this old man a visit for no reason." These words were spoken barely above a whisper as he pulled out a rag and started to 'clean' the spot beside him on the counter. "What has happened?"

Subtly, he looked around him through his peripheral and noted that no one was paying attention to him any longer and carefully lifted up the crystal glass with steepled fingers. His hand cradling it from the top as if to protect the opening to his drink and shield it from other's touch as he brought it to his black lips from beneath the bottom of his mask and downed it in one heavy swig. When he placed it back down he tapped the bar to signal that he would like another and kept his voice low. "Did a young man in a cloak come here tonight?"

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